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Woman dies after hijab got caught in go-kart axle

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1) I'm sure if you look around you'll find direct attacks using the word I used in the context of intended insult.
What do you mean look around.. look where?


Originally posted by Digsy

2) I am not manipulating forum rules, sorry but there is no "obscure connotations in the form of euphemisms", hence adding the intended meaning of the word in brackets.

In that case I apologize.. hey!, did you know aeroplanes have flange flaps?....( internal lips that strenghten the aerodynamic control surfaces)



Originally posted by Digsy

3) If abusing other members is prohibited, why does it happen so often on sf?

Because sf isn't actively monitored.



Originally posted by Digsy

4) Why do you keep going off topic?

I haven't, I responded to your post.


Originally posted by Digsy

Believe me if I wanted to insult, I could do so without doing it indirectly.

And thank you, God bless you too.

I believe you digsy.... I believe:D
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Did anyone else notice that when the police came they noticed that one go-kart "did not have any significant guarding" and another was unregistered (they apparently have to be registered by law)


I think they were too busy breaking their own necks, in their rush to slate Islam to actually notice that teensy little fact...

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Has labeling something "religious" or applying obscure connotations to things count for absolutely nothing.
Alas, there's no evidence that any concessions were made for a religion or an obscure connotation was applied.
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I'm not saying there were any made. But that doesn't mean it wasn't a factor.


But unless you know it was you're only speculating, an earthquake could have contributed to the accident, or a stray fork of lightning! ;)

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;6114993']Australia is not exactly what i would call a health and safety aware nation....


I know Port Stephen and have been there many times and I am sure the safety restrictions are as keen there as anywhere else.

Australian's are as aware of health and safety and perhaps more so than in other countries



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