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Woman dies after hijab got caught in go-kart axle

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Presumably since you've had nothing to say about the OP it would appear you 'patrol Sheffield Forum on a sunny Saturday' looking to make anti Muslim statements.


It appears you can dish it but are reluctant to take it.




You are a very funny man.


I would simply point out that I spent around 10/20 minutes on the Forum on this beautiful sunny day. I logged on a few times to check out some gigs for tonight and made a total of 4 postings on the Forum. You on the other hand appear to have spent your entire waking hours on here just rehashing the same old mumbo-jumbo and have posted 37 times.


You are either very old, are very sad or simply have no mates if you haven't got anything better to do with your day than write these irrelevant diatribes that don't even have anything to do with the topic under discussion.


37 posts. How sad is that?



But it is very nice to tell me about the church in Dubai that the Muslims haven't burned down yet. Sadly I'm not a Christian.

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You are a very funny man.


I would simply point out that I spent around 10/20 minutes on the Forum on this beautiful sunny day. I logged on a few times to check out some gigs for tonight and made a total of 4 postings on the Forum. You on the other hand appear to have spent your entire waking hours on here just rehashing the same old mumbo-jumbo and have posted 37 times.


You are either very old, are very sad or simply have no mates if you haven't got anything better to do with your day than write these irrelevant diatribes that don't even have anything to do with the topic under discussion.


37 posts. How sad is that?



But it is very nice to tell me about the church in Dubai that the Muslims haven't burned down yet. Sadly I'm not a Christian.


No sadder than launching into personalised attacks on other posters and calculating the number of posts that others have made.:roll: It's such a shame that cut and thrust debates cannot be conducted without resorting to insults and abuse.

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You are a very funny man.
I was simply bouncing your own invective back at you :)

I would simply point out that I spent around 10/20 minutes on the Forum on this beautiful sunny day. I logged on a few times to check out some gigs for tonight and made a total of 4 postings on the Forum. You on the other hand appear to have spent your entire waking hours on here just rehashing the same old mumbo-jumbo and have posted 37 times.

Thats absolutely fine, but dont you think it's a bit rich being critical of individuals for contributing to a thread when you're contributing to it yourself? The irony is a delicious one, but it's a meal you're choking on.

You are either very old, are very sad or simply have no mates if you haven't got anything better to do with your day than write these irrelevant diatribes that don't even have anything to do with the topic under discussion.

Could be all, or none of those-the fact is my lifestyle is irrelevant to what I say, unless of course your objection is to how often I have the opportunity to say it

37 posts. How sad is that?

It's sad, very sad but probably not quite as sad as someone who feels the need to count them.


But it is very nice to tell me about the church in Dubai that the Muslims haven't burned down yet.

There are quite a few in the Muslim world, do you remember that was your original objection? Although what it has to do with an unfortunate Muslim choking to death whilst karting because she was too daft to remove her head scarf, is beyond me.

Sadly I'm not a Christian.

I'd established that long ago.
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Islam is the official religion in Iran and all laws and regulations must be consistent with the official interpretation of Sharia (Islamic) law. Churches are closely monitored and at least 85 Christians were arrested in 2009 with most having been mistreated in prison, Maryam Rustampoor and Marzieh Amirzadeh were among them. We praise God that they were released from prison, but these brave women, along with hundreds of other believers, still remain at risk inside Iran.


Church services are monitored by the secret police, and believers face great discrimination and difficulty finding and keeping jobs.


Iran is number two on the Open Doors World Watch List of the top 50 countries where the persecution of Christians is most severe.


ok, so you have demonstrated that you can copy and paste (from websites which have more than an agenda). great.

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ok, so you have demonstrated that you can copy and paste (from websites which have more than an agenda). great.


Ok so you have demonstrated that you're in denial about how backward your religion is. Mind you, they are all backwards (religions that is) its just yours is the only one thats stuck in reverse gear.

Still, makes me giggle when i see your lot trying to defend islam and its ways


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Ok so you have demonstrated that you're in denial about how backward your religion is. Mind you, they are all backwards (religions that is) its just yours is the only one thats stuck in reverse gear.

Still, makes me giggle when i see your lot trying to defend islam and its ways



and you have proven that you can deafen people with the sound of your mind closing.

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You're quite right John Gault, thread gone way off topic and I've played a part in it.


Anyway, what's your view about the 'idiot playing Russian Roulette'?!


Serves um right, anyone who rides a go cart with hanging cloth around their neck should be shot to preserve the gene pool even if they don't manage to slaughter themselves.

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