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Woman dies after hijab got caught in go-kart axle

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It's one thing to disagree with an ideology or religion on matters of principle, it's quite another to make degrading remarks about someone who has died in an unfortunate accident. She didn't die because she was muslim but because she happened to be wearing loose clothing.


Degrading remarks? Are you an islamophobe? It's them that believe the crap not me. If she's got made dead because she had that islamic business on her head then in the muslamic religion shes a "martyr" and either gets a nice council house in muslim heaven or more likely raped by terrorists, either way muslamic sorts think this is a good thing.


Either which way she died as a direct result of following the dictats of the muslamic god for females to wear silly hats at all times on pain of damnation so if it is real with a bit of luck he'll admit liability and her hubby can claim on the insurance.

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So how many non-muslim women die each year when their hair is caught up in machinery? Quite a few I would think.


The hijab aspect of this story isn't an issue for interesting discussion, it's just very sad for her family. If you want to raise objections to the muslim way of life then do so, but this one is fatuous.

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My heart goes out to the womans family.

Such a tragic accident, it could have been me, wearing a tie, or scarf, or baggy top.

And if you think different, go to butlin's in skeggy and see if they ask you to remove your scarf, tie, baggy top when getting on the go-karts.

Ok, supposing there was a fatality due to someone's kneck tie, scarf or loose clothing becoming trapped in a go cart at butlins. Assuming that accidental death were the findings of the investigation, do you believe that butlins would/could continue to allow "go carters" to wear kneck ties, scarfs or loose clothing?.
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Ok, supposing there was a fatality due to someone's kneck tie, scarf or loose clothing becoming trapped in a go cart at butlins. Assuming that accidental death were the findings of the investigation, do you believe that butlins would/could continue to allow "go carters" to wear kneck ties, scarfs or loose clothing?.


Of course they could, would they?, they probably wouldn't but that would be their own policy due to the accident, and they would probably extend such a policy to hijabs too, there would be no discrimination as it would cover anything that might prove fatal.

Every other go-karting place that hadn't heard about the accident would still allow them.

As far as I'm aware there is no legislation to prevent it happening here.

I don't see what point your trying to make.


Do you think the go-karting venue in australia is going to allow them still?


Using this story as a racist dig at the people that wear hijabs though is not on, now I'm not saying that this is your intention, just that it is the intention of some posters.

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Would the op have posted this thread if it had been a women with long hair who suffered the same fate due to having her hair trapped in the axle?

He also implies that in "developed countries", they don't allow scarfs, neck ties or baggy clothing, which is untrue, I was merely pointing that out.


Believe it or not, there are some not so "developed countries" that provide helmets and neck braces with their go-karts, that's right they even have go-karts in some not so "developed countries".


He also implies that because it is a hijab she's been granted special rights, that people who don't wear hijabs don't have within these "developed countries".

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Of course they could, would they?, they probably wouldn't but that would be they're own policy due to the accident, and they would probably extend such a policy to hijabs too, there would be no discrimination as it would cover anything that might prove fatal.

Every other go-karting place that hadn't heard about the accident would still allow them.

As far as I'm aware there is no legislation to prevent it happening here.

I don't see what point your trying to make.


Do you think the go-karting venue in australia is going to allow them still?


Using this story as a racist dig at the people that wear hijabs though is not on.

Iv'e no idea how australia deal with H&S issues. But I know how britain would deal with it. Britain would make an exception, as they have with security issues regarding religious headdresss. Butlins would probably find themselves spending £thousands on new "garment freindly" go karts.
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Iv'e no idea how australia deal with H&S issues. But I know how britain would deal with it. Britain would make an exception, as they have with security issues regarding religious headdresss. Butlins would probably find themselves spending £thousands on new "garment freindly" go karts.


I doubt it, they'd more than likely save face and money and just remove the go-karts and add another attraction.


Specific go-karting venues would not be so lucky though.

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I doubt it, they'd more than likely save face and money and just remove the go-karts and add another attraction.


Specific go-karting venues would not be so lucky though.


And all because the lady loved islam.

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And all because the lady loved islam.


I don't see it like that, like I said, it could have been me, wearing a tie, or scarf, or baggy clothing.

I'd like to think of it more along the lines of, all because the lady loved the idea of go-karting.

I really don't think she was shouting allahu akbar as she sped down the track.

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