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Woman dies after hijab got caught in go-kart axle

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Well if her nonsense faith is true then she'll be partying with allah, or being raped by terrorists as one of their 72 virgins or something. If her 7th century nonsense isn't true then she's just wormfood, either way, who cares?



Ecclesall?? You're a bit to close for comfort mate. To think, I'm breathing the same air as you. :gag:


Any chance you could move please.

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apart from when they can lever some political muscle out of it to back up their warped views


Warped views?

Like treating women as second class citizens and stoning them to death for the smallest of infractions?

Oh, sorry thats islam:roll:

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It's one thing to disagree with an ideology or religion on matters of principle, it's quite another to make degrading remarks about someone who has died in an unfortunate accident. She didn't die because she was muslim but because she happened to be wearing loose clothing.


Which she wears because she is muslim.

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Warped views?

Like treating women as second class citizens and stoning them to death for the smallest of infractions?

Oh, sorry thats islam:roll:


no as in blaming a whole type of person for the few, just because youve read 1 or 2 news articles


thats warped

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no as in blaming a whole type of person for the few, just because youve read 1 or 2 news articles


thats warped


That makes no sense.

Point 1, You dont know how many articles ive read

Point 2, Im not blaming a whole type of person, just the one who wear that ridiculous getup

Point 3,The few what by the way?

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I'm not overly concerned with her dress code, or with her being muslim. I'm merely explaining what I believe would happen in this country.


How many young British adults die annually because they've been so incoherently drunk they've fallen under a bus or drowned in a nearby canal? Have they banned drink? Or young adults partaking in it?


Or what about all the kids who fracture their skulls falling off their bikes because they weren't wearing a helmet?

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so, Isadora Duncan's scarf served what purpose?


the Scotswoman who was killed.. her scarf?


They wore their scarves for fashion, through choice. Not because of some kuckledraggin meat head told them to.

(knuckle draggin meat head = most muslim men)

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How many young British adults die annually because they've been so incoherently drunk they've fallen under a bus or drowned in a nearby canal? Have they banned drink? Or young adults partaking in it?


Or what about all the kids who fracture their skulls falling off their bikes because they weren't wearing a helmet?


Kids ride bikes through choice, for enjoyment and fun. Idiots get drunk and fall into canals through choice (the getting drunk bit, not the canal bit) and a women wears a burkha becausae SHES TOLD TO.

Dispite what some of them tell you, especially the fake muslims (or converts as they like to be called) they wear that getup because they are told to.

But by men, not their bible.

Unless someone on here can point to somewhere in the koran where its says they have to wqear that stupid dress???

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