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State sanctioned paedophilia

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People do realise that there are places in the world where the age of consent is 18 right? They could presumably have the same disgust at us, calling us paedophiles for allowing under 18s not only to have sex, but to get married as well.


A girl of 13 getting married and having sex is wrong in my UK-based mind, but not in a Yemeni-based mind.

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  • The girls in Yemen have no choice in the matter, so their consent is neither required or relevant in the arrangement.
  • The girls in Yemen are often pre-pubesent, not even having periods yet. By definition, isn't paedophilia to do with the sexual maturity of the youngster?
  • In the case of underage youngsters as young as 12 being sexually active in the UK, at least they have choice no matter how unwise their choice may be. Both parties can still be prosecuted, statutory rape in some cases regardless of consent.

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By the way, I would add that "state sanctioned peadophilia" is wrong in my opinion.


It's paedophilia not peadophilia.


Sorry, couldn't resist.


Hadn't noticed that - changes the complexion of the argument entirely.


I find it distasteful that people can have sexual feelings towards peas.


Sorry, didn't realise spelling would be more important than the subject matter :roll:

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  • The girls in Yemen have no choice in the matter, so their consent is neither required or relevant in the arrangement.
  • The girls in Yemen are often pre-pubesent, not even having periods yet. By definition, isn't paedophilia to do with the sexual maturity of the youngster?
  • In the case of underage youngsters as young as 12 being sexually active in the UK, at least they have choice no matter how unwise their choice may be. Both parties can still be prosecuted, statutory rape in some cases regardless of consent.


No doubt some apologist will be along shortly to ask how exactly you know they have no choice or tell you off for wishing a country and a people to be a bit more civilised.


After all canibalism used to be acceptable in some countries years ago, and genocide was legal in Germany 65 years ago.

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Leaving everyone with the impression that 'Islamic countries' are un-civilised.


In fact anyone wanting more instances should check out a guy call Pat Condell.

Saying that Pat Condell tells it like it is for everything and not just Islam (before anyone comes out with the 'picking on us' cry )

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It's actually pretty ignorant to imply that everyone in a particular country/culture are jolly happy with their lot. There are significant campaigns within those societies to move things along just as happened on our own doorstep over the generations. The first ladies of most of the Arab states have even got together to create their own pressure group, speaking out about how much has to change and lifting the lid on taboo subjects, which has been an extraordinary development in itself. What is patronizing is the way so many people on the left have ignored those kind of campaigns and done everything they can to defend and affiliate with the conservative factions of those cultures, making excuses and claiming that people in that culture are *different* (so ironic in those who are supposedly anti-racist).

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