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State sanctioned paedophilia

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So who decides what the age of consent is.

I dont imagine many of the young girls are included in the decision.

Would it be acceptable in these countries for a mature woman to have sex with a twelve year old boy.

Somehow I dont think so.

Just a bunch of dirty old men wanting to take advantage of children.Where's the so called loving relationship in these marriages.Seems to be more about control of another human being.

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It's not our business to interfere and impose Western values on different cultures to our own. Each country has the right to define its own age of consent or not to choose to have one at all.


Generally I would agree, but issues like these are such flagrant abuses of human rights, after all how can a child make a responsible decision to marry someone, let alone have equal status in a relationship with an adult.


I understand some of the reasons why they allow this to happen (short life expectancy/the need for a continuous supply of young to care for older family members etc), but it's fundamentally indecent and wrong.

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I think you will find that Richards marriage was completely different ,it was a condition of a truce with France and was merely political.it is pretty much certain that the marriage was never consummated


LOL, I'm guessing that's what Richard was telling everyone the morning after ;)

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So who decides what the age of consent is.

I dont imagine many of the young girls are included in the decision.

Would it be acceptable in these countries for a mature woman to have sex with a twelve year old boy.

Somehow I dont think so.

Just a bunch of dirty old men wanting to take advantage of children.Where's the so called loving relationship in these marriages.Seems to be more about control of another human being.

Too right!. Or maybe Daddy will do the honour of killing her if she refuses... got to have a back-up plan.

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;6117493']Just to add, many who are opposed to Islam quite often cite Muhammad's marriage to his wife Aisha at the age of six as a reason for thoroughly disliking the religion and its prophet. Whilst I do find the thought of marriage at such a young age to be abhorrent I can also recognise that Muhammed also belonged to a bygone era that treated women as second class citizens. When anyone points out the age of Muhammed's favourite wife at the time of their marriage to try and demonise him i will also point out the fact that marriages of female children were also common within European aristocracy all throughout the middle ages. To illustrate this point i usually refer to Richard II of England and his marriage to Isabella of Valois who was also 6 at the time of her marriage...


As for modern day child marriages, they tend to be a product of modern day country still living by medieval ideals and need to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century...


europe in the middle ages - - the islamic world today?

The problem with your argument though is that there are many muslim clerics and scholars, the men in charge who are making the laws that use the example of mohammed as an excuse to allow much older men to marry young girls, and consumate the marriage even if the girl has not yet reached puberty. Indeed the article I read about this terrible incident even stated that a law had been repealed that set an age of marriage at 13 because it was considered "unislamic"

Muslims are supposed to try to emulate the prohpet mohamed in all they do - so as he raped, er sorry, had sex with a 9 year old, that makes it ok, acording to muslim law, to do the same.


And I can;t believe people here saying its fine to force young girls into marriages and rape them, leading to their death is ok "because its their culture"

I suppose by that token its ok for the catholic priests to go round abusing children too, because thats just historically their culture?

abuse is abuse, rape is rape and it is wrong to turn a blind eye to it just because someone links it with their own brand of "faith"

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You're assuming that they want to refuse. You may be wrong, in many cases. In any event, the discussion is not about state-sanctioned forced marriage, but state-sanctioned paedophilia - and we can't even agree on what constitutes paedophilie. Some countries define it as anybody under 18, and others think twelve is perfectly fine and acceptable.


That's not true. Paedophilia comes to mean the "predeliction (wish) to abuse children, or those who look as such before the onset of puberty".


I personally object to the word 'paedophile', and the terms which derive thereof, as they come from the Greek for 'lover of children'. Child abusers are far from lovers. They are abusers. I don't think this can be in doubt.


Even if some countries say that the law regarding the age of consent is as low as 12, it doesn't mean that 'paedophilia' is regarded as all well and good. It just means that a person can have consensual sex legally. Consensual sex has precisely nothing to do with the definition of paedophilia though.


I seriously doubt, especially as the father of four girls, that any girl can look anything more than a girl (rather than a woman) at twelve years old, though.


You can't use the age of consent as a guide to define a prediliction for very young girls.

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American scholar Colin Turner suggests that such marriages were not seen as improper in historical context, and that individuals in such societies matured at an earlier age than in the modern West. In modern times, however, the issue of Muhammad marrying and having sexual relations with a girl so young has been used to criticize him, particularly in the West.

so what are you saying here ?some american scholar suggets something and you agree? muslims are still following muhammad s

perversions in this day and age and you think its ok .sometimes pt even thou you can see whatswrong you still beleive its still right :loopy:

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It's not our business to interfere and impose Western values on different cultures to our own. Each country has the right to define its own age of consent or not to choose to have one at all.


Hmm, and the logic of that argument is what exactly, what's sause for the goose and all.

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Perhaps they are. I know several 12-year-olds that are willingly and enthusiastically having sex.

Back when I was 12, I knew of two girls of my age (one in my form at school) who were indulging,

I was going to say its a sign of the times but I can remember a few like that when I was a kid and I'm in my 40s.
Early sexualisation of children usually indicates something in their life which has caused this. Children 'enthusiastically having sex' as HeadingNorth tells us often points to having been groomed. As we know from several police investigations that have taken place, little girls are being groomed by older men and then put on the game or passed around amongst their friends.


The young girls that PT often mentions may even be the ones AJsheffield knew! Nowadays you'd hope that someone would take another look at their backgrounds to see what's happening at home.


I really despair sometimes that people seem so willing to condone this sort of thing. There's something prurient about it that I find quite repellent.

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