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Whatever happened to the promised "whiter than white" Labour Government?

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December 2002 Cherie Blair apologises over links to conman Peter Foster

October 2002 - Lanarkshire Labour party hold a Red Rose Dinner attended by a notorious drug baron called Justin McAlroy

October 2002 - Forty-four constituency Labour parties in Scotland revealed to have failed to register agreements to accept regular donations from trades unions. Failure to do so is a criminal offence

September 2002 Labour MP Alan Meale in trouble over deportation case linked to donation

July 2002 Carphone Warehouse chairman claims Lord Levy tried to nobble a £1 million donation

June 2002 Ken Livingstone accused of manhandling his partner while drunk at a party

June 2002 Black Rod accuses Downing Street of trying to muscle in on Queen Mother's funeral

June 2002 Labour spin doctors accuse Paddington crash victim Pam Warren of being a Tory stooge

May 2002 Stephen Byers resigns from government after various scandals

May 2002 Tessa Jowell criticises Labour for accepting donation from Richard Desmond

March 2002 Lakshmi Mittal

March 2002 Donnygate Doncaster Labour scandal ends in prison for Labour councillors

February 2002 Arthur Andersen & donations to Labour

February 2002 Martin Sixsmith forced to resign by Stephen Byers

February 2002 Jo Moore resigns over ‘burying bad news’ email

January 2002 - Norman Murray, Labour councillor and former convenor of the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities, appointed board member of the Scottish Ambulance Service at £7,305 a year

January 2002 Labour spin doctors trash reputation of Rose Addis

January 2002 Enron accused of buying access to Labour after donation

December 2001 Keith Vaz criticised by Standards Commissioner over business links

December 2001 Nigel Griffiths and £40,000 office expenses

November 2001 Henry McLeish resigns as Scottish First Minister after office expense scandal

November 2001 November 2001 - Jack McConnell admits to affair with Labour party secretary who he tried to keep in situ by appealing to Labour MPs for funds. He says he has had no other affairs

July 2001 Hindujahs receive passports after Labour donation

May 2001 May 2001 - Robin Young, a former non-executive director of Bovis (construction managers of the Scottish Parliament) appointed as permanent secretary at the Department of Trade and Industry

April 2001 - Failed Labour candidate Keith Geddes appointed to board of Scottish Natural Heritage

January 2001 Buyer of Millennium Dome Robert Bourne accused over donation to Labour

January 2001 Peter Mandelson resigns for the second time

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I think you will find it standard practice, but I don't suppose you will ever rise to the level of employing others.


i've been an ex-employee several times and have never had to be treated like that.


anyway, why do you equate success with employing people?

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Whatever happened to the promised "whiter than white" Labour Government that Blair promised us in 1997?

There can be little doubt that the subsequent 13 years have given us the most corrupt government in living memory with MPs actively soliciting bribes to change policy. Even today a candidate had to be dismissed for his conduct on Twitter, and 3 Labour MPs still face criminal action over the expenses scandal.


The Racial Equality Council banned him using the phrase.

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I employed about four hundred, and I never had to impose such treatment. Perhaps your earlier assertion was correct.


I suspect that you are just out of touch. It is standard advice from redundancy/dismissal information booklets.




"Regardless of the notice period an employee is entitled to, you need to make a decision about how long you want them to hang around for.


As harsh as it might sound, some staff - particularly those with access to key customer data or other crucial records - will need to be escorted from the building immediately, to ensure those assets are protected."



And quite obviously many firms work to those guidelines.





Tearful staff escorted from call centres at Warrington and Stoke


Tearful Vodafone employees were escorted from Vodafone's call centres in Warrington and Stoke today, immediately after being told their jobs had been cut, Vodafone staff claimed today.

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It isn't the Conservative Party that have 3 MPs in the dock facing fraud charges.


It wasn't 3 Conservative MPs who were caught offering to change the law in exchange for being paid £5,000 per day.


Not this time, but give them 5 years back in power, and the Tories will quickly be up to their necks in it again - Hamilton, Archer and Aitken ring any bells?

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