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Whatever happened to the promised "whiter than white" Labour Government?

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Not this time, but give them 5 years back in power, and the Tories will quickly be up to their necks in it again - Hamilton, Archer and Aitken ring any bells?


It'll probably be closer to 10 years, and we'll vote them out for it. It doesn't change the fact that this government has gone past it's sell by date and needs removing from power.

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Not this time, but give them 5 years back in power, and the Tories will quickly be up to their necks in it again - Hamilton, Archer and Aitken ring any bells?


If your entire argument is "oh they are just as bad [as Labour] because I think they will be, sometime in the future" then your point is worthless. No one can predict the future, no matter how much you would like people to think you can.

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If your entire argument is "oh they are just as bad [as Labour] because I think they will be, sometime in the future" then your point is worthless. No one can predict the future, no matter how much you would like people to think you can.


I'm not trying to predict the future, it's more a case that both of the major political parties seem to attract a percentage of good for nothings, and they have done for decades, if not centuries (if you are talking about politicians more generally).

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I'm not trying to predict the future, it's more a case that both of the major political parties seem to attract a percentage of good for nothings, and they have done for decades, if not centuries (if you are talking about politicians more generally).


I think you are prejudging the next government based on a tiny sample, especially considering the long history we have of politics. To judge all MP's as being nothing more than their predecessors is fruitless as no one can ever do any better from your point of view.


Certainly make a judgement the conservatives after some times has passed but to judge them before they have even stepped foot into no.10 is, well, silly at the very least.

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December 2004 Oona King offered £10000 to bed Labour Euro MP

October 2004 - Revealed that 70% of Scottish quango appointees have links to the Labour party

August 2004 August 2004 - Former Edinburgh Labour Provost Eric Milligan appointed Scotland’s “welcome czar” to the tourism industry. Although not paid a salary he receives expenses to travel the world

June 2004 - Willie Haughey, who has donated hundreds of thousands of pounds to the Labour party, appointed to the post of chairman of Scottish Enterprise Glasgow.

May 2004 Lord Drayson’s company wins non competitive tender contract after £50,000 donation to Labour

May 2004 - Failed Labour candidate Hugh Raven, a former parliamentary assistant to Peter Peacock, the education minister, awarded a £23,415 contract as a board member of Scottish Natural Heritage

April 2004 Beverley Hughes resigns over Immigration scandal

February 2004 Labour criticised by Electoral Commission for late tendering of accounts

January 2004 - Revealed that Schlumberger hired disgraced special adviser Philip Chalmers to run the Scottish Tourist Board’s Visit Scotland website. The website is part of a Scottish Executive PFI contract

November 2003 Margaret Hodge forced to resign over libelling Demetrious Panton

September 2003 - Harry McGuigan, a leading Lanarkshire Labour councillor appointed as a member of the Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration board

August 2003 David Kelly commits suicide

August 2003 Chris Bryant pictured in briefs on Gaydar website

August 2003 - Defeated Labour MSP Iain Gray appointed as Alistair Darling's special adviser at a salary of £60,000

August 2003 - Failed Labour candidate Pat Kelly appointed to board of Scottish Water.

March 2003 Clive Betts MP employed rent boy in House of Commons office

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There is actually a book that was written by Iain Dale and available through Amazon detailing the worst 100 sleazy moments of the Blair corupt government.


Here is what he listed for 1997/1998


December 1998 Geoffrey Robinson resigns over loaning money to Mandelson

December 1998 Peter Mandelson resigns over Geoffrey Robinson loan

November 1998 Nick Brown admits paying for gay sex

October 1998 Ron Davies’s Moment of Madness on Clapham Common

July 1998 Downing Street adviser Roger Liddle investigated over lobbying links

March 1998 Lord Irvine’s £650,000 of wallpaper

March 1998 Scottish Parliament building tendering process & construction

July 1999 Derek Draper & Lobbygate

August 1998 Robin Cook’s affair with Gaynor Regan exposed

November 1997 Bernie Eccleston’s £1 million donation investigated

May 1997 Mohammed Sarwar accused of bribery

Each year Blair's freebie holidays



A pretty good start there for a promised squeaky clean regime.


The only one I can sort of remember, but wasn't he cleared?

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The only one I can sort of remember, but wasn't he cleared?


No.. The charges were dropped despite.....




He was reinstated by the Labour Party despite admitting he had lied to them..



The fact that his son was sent down for 3 years for money laundering doesn't appear to have held back his carear.


By the way.. If you claim not to be a ble to remember the Bernie affair and yet can remember this you are simply taking the pi**.

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There is actually a book that was written by Iain Dale and available through Amazon detailing the worst 100 sleazy moments of the Blair corupt government.


Here is what he listed for 1997/1998


December 1998 Geoffrey Robinson resigns over loaning money to Mandelson

December 1998 Peter Mandelson resigns over Geoffrey Robinson loan

November 1998 Nick Brown admits paying for gay sex

October 1998 Ron Davies’s Moment of Madness on Clapham Common

July 1998 Downing Street adviser Roger Liddle investigated over lobbying links

March 1998 Lord Irvine’s £650,000 of wallpaper

March 1998 Scottish Parliament building tendering process & construction

July 1999 Derek Draper & Lobbygate

August 1998 Robin Cook’s affair with Gaynor Regan exposed

November 1997 Bernie Eccleston’s £1 million donation investigated

May 1997 Mohammed Sarwar accused of bribery

Each year Blair's freebie holidays



A pretty good start there for a promised squeaky clean regime.


23rd December 1998 - first resignation over loan from Geoffrey Robinson


10 months later in October 1999 he is appointed Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, replacing Mo Mowlam despite having resigned


24th January 2001 - second resignation following accusations of exerting influence to affect a passport application


8th September 2004 - resigned once more to become Steward of the Manor of Northstead


22nd November 2004 - became Britain's European Commissioner for Trade


3rd October 2008 - Gordon Brown made him a Life Peer entitling hm to a seat in the lords and gave him the post of Business Secretary


5th June 2009 - becomes First Secretary of State, Lord President of the Council, received enhanced powers as Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills and continues as President of the Board of Trade


so resign twice because of scandals be acquitted twice and become pretty much the most powerful person in the land, it's almost like cinderella


trouble is I stopped believing in fairy stories years ago

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