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Where are the policies?

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or "they need to tell us what their policies are"?


Well, if the want our vote, is it too much to expect them to take the effort to tell us why we should give it to them?


Maybe things have changed, but years ago, politicians used to actively canvass for votes.


can·vass (knvs)

v. can·vassed, can·vass·ing, can·vass·es


2. A solicitation of votes or orders.


We used to have a thing called an election campaign.


cam·paign (km-pn)


1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a series of coordinated activities, such as public speaking and demonstrating, designed to achieve a social, political, or commercial goal a presidential campaign, an advertising campaign.


Now apparently (by your reasoning) we have to do all the work and they just get to belly up to the taxpayer/public money trough and get those piggy snouts working overtime.


I dunno. Something seems wrong about that somehow.

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Like with electoral reform, it all depends on the majority vote in parliament. I'm sure there are a lot of reform policies Labour would have liked to hammer out over the past 13 years...


Electoral reform was in their 1997 manifesto, Nulabor had an unassailable majority in their first term yet they did nothing about it except I think to set up some 'consultation' process.


And now I see Gordon Brown is dangling the same much withered carrot yet again :roll:


Manifesto = mumbo-jumbo.

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Electoral reform was in their 1997 manifesto, Nulabor had an unassailable majority in their first term yet they did nothing about it except I think to set up some 'consultation' process.


And now I see Gordon Brown is dangling the same much withered carrot yet again :roll:


Manifesto = mumbo-jumbo.


Have forgotten? They did reform the Lords by kicking out around 600, leaving only 92 hereditary peers.

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Have forgotten? They did reform the Lords by kicking out around 600, leaving only 92 hereditary peers.


Well they had to find some way to reward the party apparatchiks. A life peerage or a comfy, well paid seat on an obscure quango are not to be sneezed at :D


They still shelved PR but have blown the dust off it yet again.

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A quick summary:


Conservative: shoot the unemployed, hug huddies, bring back hare coursing


Labour: Cannonise Bob Crow, join the Euro, nationalise cats


Lib Dem: Join Euro, give France a veto over all UK laws, legalise cannabis


UKIP: Make passive smoking compulsary in all indoor public places, shoot the unemployed, declare war on France


BNP: Shoot all non-whites, drop an atom bomb on France, deport all the unemployed to Africa


Green: Legalise all drugs, make cannabis compulsary for all people over 18, ban cars



I hope this breif summary helps.

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Thanks for explaining that, Sid.


I went to one of those websites where you answer a string of questions relating to the policies you would like to see implemented by the next government and it told me to bugger off.


I thought it was being rude, but now that you've explained the policies 'on offer' (well, on offer until the election itself ... I expect the reality will change afterwards ;)) I realise that the website wasn't being rude, merely giving me sound advice.

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Can I just ask, what is stopping people from getting off their arse (or staying on it in some cases) and reading the policies of each party? Why, whenever I see the "man on the street" interviewed on some news show do they either say "they're all the same" or "they need to tell us what their policies are"?


Is it really that difficult, in this supposed information age, to get a clear idea of the individual parties' policies? I don't think so. I feel I'm pretty clear on the main policies of the Cons, Lab, Lib, Green, BNP and UKIP.


I do not remember reading anything in the Labour Manifesto about creating a multicultural England:huh:

Yet it is now clear that it was an intention of theirs (a secret one).

I guess that the answer really is that most voters see politicians of all parties as liars.:o

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Free Baverian dancing for all? Would that interest you? Leaderhossen?


Oh, not 'free' - Let's not get too carried away now. ;)


'Realistically priced' (After all, you've got to make money out of the tourists.):hihi::hihi:


Rather then Lederhosen, you could always sell (to the British tourist, anyway) foam fingers (like this, but with blue-and-white squares) to wave at Manchester Unitesd football games.


I do not remember reading anything in the Labour Manifesto about creating a multicultural England:huh:

Yet it is now clear that it was an intention of theirs (a secret one).

I guess that the answer really is that most voters see politicians of all parties as liars.:o


Try here. - They'll probably keep that as a 'sure vote winner' for later on in the election. - For the time being you'll have to put up with Alistair's antics.

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