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Mother spends £10,000 for surgery to look like her daughter

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I would never tell someone their baby was ugly... I would be so distraught if someone said that to me. Even if my daughter looked like a cabbage patch kid or even the Chucky doll's I would still love her because she is mine. Even though she is a little nightmare at times she is still all mine and I get the pleasure of watching her grow up knowing she has learnt everything from me and I just hope I will be a better mum than mine was.


Some babies are dog ugly. Theres one that lives near me and oh my god!!!

It looks like they got rid of the baby and kept the afterbirth:gag:

To say all babies are beutiful isnt even close to the truth.

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Total waste of money.


How much would two Burkhas cost?


Problem solved.


Deliberate trolling, not allowed! tch! :o


well, I suppose he's right ;) both in a Burqa... spot the difference...


and of course, the monies saved on the plastic surgery could have been donated to something like the charity I mentioned above, and therefore benefited the tots who REALLY need it...

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Be nice to compare them with the wives of the bitchy men on here....As to the bitchy women? Well, that's a given..:hihi:


Be nice to compare them with the wives of the bitchy men on here....As to the bitchy women? Well, that's a given..:hihi:


Seconded, and then some :)


Seriously guys, where is all this vitriol coming from? I personally don't want to ever have plastic surgery, but it's her money, her choice. I'm sure she didn't go in to theatre with the aim of getting the good opinion of Some Random People On The Internet.


The Daily Mail is hardly well known for promoting positive self image in women (or men). Let's face it, it's one of those tacky little WHY DON'T YOU SNEER AT SOMEONE'S APPEARANCE SO YOU CAN FEEL BETTER ABOUT YOUR OWN pieces. Well, can I point out laughing at someone's face or body isn't going to magically make you start feeling great about yourself?


PS When a chap goes "I think that woman is SO unattractive" the normal response is usually "Thank God, I bloody well wouldn't want someone who looks like you to find me attractive anyway. Now creep away, please."


PSS Like Alien said, if anyone would like to post up a photo and a brief description of their exercise/beauty/grooming routine so we can comment then I'm sure we'd all be delighted to put you under the same scrutiny given to these women.

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if anyone would like to post up a photo and a brief description of their exercise/beauty/grooming routine so we can comment then I'm sure we'd all be delighted to put you under the same scrutiny given to these women.




I guess the forum'ers or their partners are just to damn gorgeous for us to have a lookie at...


I sooo had my finger hovering on the icky icon too...:D

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Seconded, and then some :)


Seriously guys, where is all this vitriol coming from? I personally don't want to ever have plastic surgery, but it's her money, her choice. ...


Indeed. - Though I still think she'd've got better 'value for money' from the Burkha shop. :hihi::hihi::hihi:


Seriously though, somebody did a pretty good job! - I had to look at the hands/forearms in the pictures to be completely sure which was which.


It might be interesting to see another picture of the pair of them in about 30 years time.


- A friend of mine had extensive plastic surgery in the late 1950s. - Not through vanity, but because he ended up upside-down with burning fuel dripping on his face. (It made a bit of a mess.)


The surgeons did a pretty neat job, but the face they gave him fitted the other side on the date they gave it to him. - As he got older, it did look rather strange.

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