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The Ultimate Singles Thread

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Time for the WolfMan


Age: 34 M

Interests: History, People (women in particular :) ), Current Affairs, Gym, Conquering the World

5 words: Impulsive, Honest, Romantic, Idealist, Perfectionist

What am I looking for: Women, Women, Women, Women & Erm Women



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age: 27


sex: M


Interests: laying on my bed, staring at the ceiling cursing fate for making me so flawed, i hate you cruel world, why, why, oh why...I wish I was dead!



5 words: depressed, bitter, suicidal, angry, unhinged



looking for: another twisted soul to share a skewed vision of this planet called earth. must be as fooked up as me, also into steps and s club 7.

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Age: 24


Sex: Male


Interests: Amateur dramatics, science, reading, computing, keeping fit (when I have time), football


5 words to describe yourself: intelligent, confident, driven, chic-geek :)


What I'm Looking for: someone ro be able to have a laugh with who is confident without being cocky/full of themselves. a person who shares my interest in learning about anything and everything and doesn't mind a bit of geekiness within reason!


Currently I am: Studying for a PhD in theoretical chemistry at Sheffield uni and rehearsing for a pantomime with my drama group

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Age: 18

Sex: F

Interests: Music, comedy, art, photography, internet etc

5 words to describe yourself: Nice, funny, creative, shy, unique

What I'm Looking for: Someone nice, funny, who has stuff in common with me, to hang out with & have a good time

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