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Ok, here goes!


Age - 29 (just!)


Interests - Sports (football, ice hockey, cricket, pool), films, socialising, travelling etc.


5 words to describe myself - adventurous, sporty, friendly, honest and kind.


What I'm looking for - Sweet girl who loves to have fun and try new things, and doesn't mind sport too much!

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22 male.


interests: partying, dj-ing, gym/swimming, eating out, going out and about.. enjoyin life to the max


myself: dark hair with highlights, brown eyes (big ones.. ) into fashion, generally the one who's up for the fun!


lookin for: a nice young female for good times in sheffield when I move up (and i have a strong southern accent... so if that annoys you then dont pm me!)


there we have it


come on ladies!!



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Age: 26 M

Interests: Music, Driving, Ice Hockey, Tattoo's and more music

5 words: Impulsive, Sociable, Honest, Romantic and Nuts :)

What am I looking for: anything other than a control freak and doesn't get jealous of female friends :roll:

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Age: 28 M


Interests: Music (all sorts of weirdness), films (foreign and popcorn), reading, socialising, cheese


5 words to describe yourself: friendly, kind, generous, tall, intellegent


What I'm Looking for: a young lady who is cute, funny and who I find attractive who can used joined up writing and isn't too psychotic

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Age 39 Male

Interests The Paranormal - Pubs - Music/DVDS/Cinema - Pets (2 dogs) - Badmington - Walking.


5 Words Shy - GSOH - Loving - Honest - Faithfull

What i'm i looking for Shy and loving woman aged about 25 - 40ish single no kids non smoker hates clubbing and hates the crazy frog :hihi: i'm a lot rounded :hihi:

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Age: 26 F

Interests: Reading, playing badminton (badly), internet, eating out, TV

5 words to describe me: Intelligent, funny, stubborn, caring, independent

What I'm looking for: Someone who I can love and who can love me :love: , someone I can look after and who will look after me, someone who doesn't mind me having my own opinions and can put up with my stubbornness! Someone who doesn't mind that I'm a little more rounded than I should be!

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Age: 24 M

Interests: Art, music, music music, films, music, films, design, books with pictures, cartoons, music... Stuff....

5 Words to describe myself: just a really nice guy...

What I'm looking for: What you got? No, really - a laydee to hang out with, talk to, watch cartoons and bitch about music and films...


as for the picture thing...




In reality I have nothing to lose....

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Well I will continue, bravely against all odds, side-by-side, arm -in-arm, the spirit of Sir Phil Collins, my hero, in my heart, without a photo.


Interests: festivals, dancing in non cheesy nasty bassline clubs frequented by children, film/lit/pretentious musings.

5 words to describe me...an immature slightly askew big softy

What I'm Looking for:meaning in a meaningless world, someone whose hair i can scruff up affectionately(i am a girl who likes boys but just enjoy meeting folk. I also do not wish to exclude anyone with male pattern baldness, maybe i can just do a little fun tummy tickle instead of the hair scruffing)

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Hmmm, this is the sort of thing i do on a whim, then a few days later think *eeeek wharrrama doing ??* hehehe. But anyway.....



Age: 33 (very young at heart) F


Interests: Music is my life - gigs especially, and the odd club night. Only clubbing of the rock/goth/80s/electro kind though. Tinternetting, oooh but the world would be my oyster if i had someone to do things with....


5 words to describe yourself: Lonley, daft (in a funny way - i hope!), cuddly, caring, friendly, shy initially (woops thats 6)


What I'm Looking for: someone with similar music tastes, someone to love and some new mates would be good too ;)



Sooooo - i hope all you single Corporation attending blokes are going on the 20th to the Corporation meet ? ;):P (if it's def on of course....)


i have a myspace page if anyone is interested in taking a look, more info on my interests and stuff on there. Anyone else got one ? http://myspace.com/pauline_playgirl

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