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The Ultimate Singles Thread

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2.30am ... just looking and thinking about what's going on here ... is it working for anyone, other than providing reassurance that you're not alone being alone?


IMO you gotta give serendipity a kick up the rear end. You know the reason most folks don't get out more and meet new people? Because they don't go out more and meet new people! And then when they do they still don't do the things necessary to make things happen! "You can't start a fire without a spark" and spark means conversation.


I was waiting for my work colleagues to arrive in Ha Ha Bar for our Xmas do and watched a young attractive woman sat at the same table, diagonally opposite, as a young good looking lad. At first I though they were together because they were both reading books, but then they ordered drinks separately and eventually left separately. Now it seems to me that if you're in a bar on your own maybe you're kinda hoping someone might speak to you? You can read your book ANYWHERE. But how many of us DARE to start a conversation with a stranger? Now, even if you're not attracted to the person opposite, practicing conversation and flirting is gonna set you up well for when you do feel the attraction. But we don't do it do we?


I think shared interests is the answer. If you're interested in music, go to live gigs, talk about your interest to someone you haven't met before. If you like films go see films, talk (not during the film of course). Theatre? Ditto. Comedy? Get down to The Roundhouse. Dining out? JFDI etc ... Which is why I set up SpurIntoAction ... not a dating agency, but a shared interests network where you can develop your confidence and keep your eye out for those rare opportunities where there is mutual attraction - just be ready to say the right things though!


Remember when love was easy? Good! I don't either!


Roving Rendezvous is at The Ha Ha Bar Fri 13th from 8.30pm. It may be clumsy and awkward at first, but action is the fundamental key to all success. Anthomy Robbins. Overcome fear, practice makes perfect etc. (No charge or membership required)


... and finally a word from old Oscar Wilde on love ...

Life is one fool thing after another, whereas love is two fool things after each other.


If a woman wants to hold a man, she has merely to appeal to the worst in him.

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