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The Ultimate Singles Thread

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Hi folks,


I'm looking for a few volunteers for a little venture I will be launching in the new year.

It's an extension of my SpurIntoAction Sports and Social Network,

and it's all about the 3 F's. No, not those 3 F's ...

but friendship, fun and fulfilment ... engaging fully with life ...

or "living in a world where you belong" as Travis put it in "Turn Turn Turn"

(Check out http://www.seeklyrics.com/lyrics/Travis/Turn.html)


But before you go ahead and volunteer, I want to run this idea by you ...

take a little time to read this and take it in.


Will you buy a Volvo next year?

What? What's that got to do with the ultimate singles thread?

Patience! Just think about it for a moment ...

Will you buy a Volvo next year?


Let's take a look at this logically.

Are you looking for a new car?

Do you know where the Volvo dealers are in Sheffield?

Do you know which one provides the best service?

Do you know which model in the Volvo range suits your needs best?

Do you have the means to purchase?


So, are you going to buy a Volvo next year?

How many people will say yes to all of the above?

It could happen ... who knows?


But it's not very likely is it?


Say we approached this question emotionally rather than logically.

If you went for a test drive in the Volvo of your choice

and you liked the looks, its performance how it handled ,

and you also liked its safety features, passenger space and luggage capacity.

It turns out that in fact the Volvo is your ideal car!

Would you then find the means to buy the car you'd fallen in love with?

It's a little bit more likely isn't it?


Say you then went to the Ford, Toyota and BMW dealerships as well,

and maybe others and you had a test drive in a lot of cars

and you fell in love with a model you'd not previously read about or noticed.

Would you be more likely to buy a new car

if you'd spent half an hour behind the wheel,

running through the gears, feeling the acceleration

listening to the engine noise, seeing how it took the corners?

It a bit more likely that you'd buy a new car if you did all this, isn't it?

It would be an emotional choice based on experience


Now then here's the point.

Let's compare buying a car to finding a partner ...

What? ... go on, humour me for a moment!


Will you find your ideal partner next year?

Let's take a look at the question logically.


Are you looking for a partner?

What are you looking for in an ideal partner?

What are they looking for in you?

Do you know all the best places in Sheffield to find a partner?

Which of the venues, agencies, websites or friends, that you know of,

will provide the best experience in looking for your ideal partner?

If all your requirements were met, would you make a commitment to them?

Hmmm, possible ... but is it likely?


So now approach this with a little emotion.

Say you went out and did the things you love doing.

Not with the purpose of meeting a partner,

but just to put a little excitement back in your life.

You spent some money on yourself and perked up your attitude

(I'm not saying you're not perky already, but you know, you raised your game).

What if you met some new friends, did something different

and had a few laughs and then when you least expected it,

someone saw you, naturally having fun amongst friends

and what do you know, they were amongst friends having a laugh

and enjoying what they loved doing as well.


You don't have to provide lists of wants and needs in these circumstances,

somehow nature has a great way of allowing instinct to take over.

If you're actively involved in a situation

you're more likely to have strong feelings in that shared experience.

Then a postive cycle kicks in.

With strong feelings, we are more likely to take things to another level.


The starting point is action!


You're more likely to act yourself into feeling than feel yourself into action.

So act! Whatever it is you know you should do, do it.

(Anon I think)


In other words, go out, meet people, experience life,

Do not wait to meet somebody first,

before you allow yourself to have fun and live your life.


There's nothing to be gained just thinking about it ...

Obviously, there is little you can learn from doing nothing.

Zig Ziglar


Once you start to act, your confidence grows:

Inaction breeds doubt and fear.

Action breeds confidence and courage.

If you want to conquer fear,

do not sit home and think about it.

Go out and get busy.

Dale Carnegie


So could you imagine working on yourself, building your confidence,

going out more, doing something different

and simply having fun for yourself rather than focusing on meeting a partner?

I reckon that's the best way to find a partner ... through the 3F's


Friendship, Fun and Fulfilment


After all do YOU want a partner who doesn't have friends, isn't having fun

and is just looking for you to make their life complete and fulfilled?

Wouldn't they seem er, a bit needy?


Volunteers wanted

If you think I could be right and you'd like to help set up

a series of ice-breakers to help make this happen, read on ...


I've devised a series of games to get people talking,

to draw out their character, see what it is that fires them up,

makes them laugh and brings them to life.

From this we can build up a network of friends to act as a springboard

for all the things that you'd like to happen.


I won't go into details here, but some of the ice-breaker names are:

Opposites Attract, Too Much!, Sussed Ya and Music Choices.


Reply here or PM me if interested. Remember it's just a game.

Frienship and laughter are a good thing right?


You can't stay in your corner of the forest

waiting for others to come to you.

You have to go to them sometimes.

Winnie the Pooh (A. A. Milne)

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Hi folks,


I'm looking for a few volunteers for a little venture I will be launching in the new year.

It's an extension of my SpurIntoAction Sports and Social Network,

and it's all about the 3 F's. No, not those 3 F's ...

but friendship, fun and fulfilment ... engaging fully with life ...

or "living in a world where you belong" as Travis put it in "Turn Turn Turn"

(Check out http://www.seeklyrics.com/lyrics/Travis/Turn.html)


But before you go ahead and volunteer, I want to run this idea by you ...

take a little time to read this and take it in.


Will you buy a Volvo next year?

What? What's that got to do with the ultimate singles thread?

Patience! Just think about it for a moment ...

Will you buy a Volvo next year?


Let's take a look at this logically.

Are you looking for a new car?

Do you know where the Volvo dealers are in Sheffield?

Do you know which one provides the best service?

Do you know which model in the Volvo range suits your needs best?

Do you have the means to purchase?


So, are you going to buy a Volvo next year?

How many people will say yes to all of the above?

It could happen ... who knows?


But it's not very likely is it?


Say we approached this question emotionally rather than logically.

If you went for a test drive in the Volvo of your choice

and you liked the looks, its performance how it handled ,

and you also liked its safety features, passenger space and luggage capacity.

It turns out that in fact the Volvo is your ideal car!

Would you then find the means to buy the car you'd fallen in love with?

It's a little bit more likely isn't it?


Say you then went to the Ford, Toyota and BMW dealerships as well,

and maybe others and you had a test drive in a lot of cars

and you fell in love with a model you'd not previously read about or noticed.

Would you be more likely to buy a new car

if you'd spent half an hour behind the wheel,

running through the gears, feeling the acceleration

listening to the engine noise, seeing how it took the corners?

It a bit more likely that you'd buy a new car if you did all this, isn't it?

It would be an emotional choice based on experience


Now then here's the point.

Let's compare buying a car to finding a partner ...

What? ... go on, humour me for a moment!


Will you find your ideal partner next year?

Let's take a look at the question logically.


Are you looking for a partner?

What are you looking for in an ideal partner?

What are they looking for in you?

Do you know all the best places in Sheffield to find a partner?

Which of the venues, agencies, websites or friends, that you know of,

will provide the best experience in looking for your ideal partner?

If all your requirements were met, would you make a commitment to them?

Hmmm, possible ... but is it likely?


So now approach this with a little emotion.

Say you went out and did the things you love doing.

Not with the purpose of meeting a partner,

but just to put a little excitement back in your life.

You spent some money on yourself and perked up your attitude

(I'm not saying you're not perky already, but you know, you raised your game).

What if you met some new friends, did something different

and had a few laughs and then when you least expected it,

someone saw you, naturally having fun amongst friends

and what do you know, they were amongst friends having a laugh

and enjoying what they loved doing as well.


You don't have to provide lists of wants and needs in these circumstances,

somehow nature has a great way of allowing instinct to take over.

If you're actively involved in a situation

you're more likely to have strong feelings in that shared experience.

Then a postive cycle kicks in.

With strong feelings, we are more likely to take things to another level.


The starting point is action!


You're more likely to act yourself into feeling than feel yourself into action.

So act! Whatever it is you know you should do, do it.

(Anon I think)


In other words, go out, meet people, experience life,

Do not wait to meet somebody first,

before you allow yourself to have fun and live your life.


There's nothing to be gained just thinking about it ...

Obviously, there is little you can learn from doing nothing.

Zig Ziglar


Once you start to act, your confidence grows:

Inaction breeds doubt and fear.

Action breeds confidence and courage.

If you want to conquer fear,

do not sit home and think about it.

Go out and get busy.

Dale Carnegie


So could you imagine working on yourself, building your confidence,

going out more, doing something different

and simply having fun for yourself rather than focusing on meeting a partner?

I reckon that's the best way to find a partner ... through the 3F's


Friendship, Fun and Fulfilment


After all do YOU want a partner who doesn't have friends, isn't having fun

and is just looking for you to make their life complete and fulfilled?

Wouldn't they seem er, a bit needy?


Volunteers wanted

If you think I could be right and you'd like to help set up

a series of ice-breakers to help make this happen, read on ...


I've devised a series of games to get people talking,

to draw out their character, see what it is that fires them up,

makes them laugh and brings them to life.

From this we can build up a network of friends to act as a springboard

for all the things that you'd like to happen.


I won't go into details here, but some of the ice-breaker names are:

Opposites Attract, Too Much!, Sussed Ya and Music Choices.


Reply here or PM me if interested. Remember it's just a game.

Frienship and laughter are a good thing right?


You can't stay in your corner of the forest

waiting for others to come to you.

You have to go to them sometimes.

Winnie the Pooh (A. A. Milne)


That sounds good an makes sense good look with it :) I'll keep on eye on it..

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OK here gos, hope I don't come accross as a prat


Male, 27 years old, 5ft 8, slim build, enjoy nights out (but not nightclubs, did that years ago) meals, picture, a drink and I also enjoy nights in.


Own Home/Car etc... but single :help:


Work Self Employed Fitness Trainer and also teach Computing.


Looking for fun, nights out/in, someone aged 21 - 35.


Either PM me, or send an email to



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Guys, guys, Please subscribe to David D'Angelo's http://www.doubleyourdating.com Yes, he's selling a program, (and I have no connection) but the free emails contain a wealth of experience ... READ 'EM they're FREE ... some of it appears to be made up fantasy, but you will definitely connect with some important messages. When you start to "get it" you then need to put it into practice. I wish I had access to this kind of stuff when I was in my 20's! Gals ... if you have a nosy into some of this it may sometimes appear a little patronising ... but try telling me you don't like a confident guy with a sense of humour who doesn't pander to you, but exudes confidence and isn't looking for help from you to sort his life out ... women are looking for alpha males, not somebody to mother .. and guys if you're not alpha material, at least raise your game and look like you might be a contender. It's mostly a mindset where you have the confidence to take advantage of opportunities ... don't even think of being a "new man" (has this expression been updated ... is it just "wussy"?) ... women love a bit of macho bravado.


You are SOCIABLE, you have FRIENDS, you're having a GREAT TIME, you don't NEED anything. You're desires are a different issue ... women know how to read signs ... if a man is passionate about life, is he going to be a dud in the sack? Maybe ... but probably not.


cue 50's type dialogue ... "I only have one passion in life darling and that is you ..." Ugh ... get me out of here!

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Very much rubbish Kirsty, where are all the eligable males :confused: ...come on two lovely ladies here, we need an old un and a young un father and son combination fine :hihi: .

I did try Kirsty :rolleyes:



cough cough.... me? lol,


although, I'm not father and son rolled into one.. sadly. ;)

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