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The Ultimate Singles Thread

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Isn't it more a case of a halfway point? There has to be an attraction in the first place, but then there has to be something more than that to sustain a relationship.


Unless I'm in the wrong...


No, I don't think you're in the wrong.

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Its hard to explain really...


You can get some hunk of a bloke who has no personality and loves himself more than anyone...


You can get an uglier bloke with the best personality, hes caring, trustworthy, etc... everything you could want in a relationship- but the looks dont do it for you... (yet)...


You can find though, that once you get to know the 'uglier' bloke alot more, personality takes over.

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well i have plenty of male friends who i get on with great and would make great boyfriends but im not physcially attracted to them so thats what they are 'mates'!


i suppose it does happen but id rather be with someone that i look at and think wow! tried the whole going out with someone just cos they are nice and it just doesnt work for me.

Yes I agree with you, I suppose I was trying to explain something but ended up making no sense whatsoever! duh.


I hope you find a nice fella who will treat you right anyways.... your spot on in the looks department and you seem to have your head on right!


Riz ;)

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