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The Ultimate Singles Thread

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Ok im a lazy so n so and cant be bothered to read what this thread is about, i get the gist of it been the ultimate singles thread but someone let me in on wats happening pleeeeeeeeeease :D <---- a big smile for the person who does

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all those who are interested, hows about we post the following..




5 words to describe yourself:

What I'm Looking for:



And see what happens...


This was the first post by BruciesBabe, pretty simple really, if you're single and want to meet someone, put some details in the following and see what happens. :)


Does my health no good just one having one meal a day


I'm dead when she reads this


does 'she' need directing to this or you think she can find it herself ;)

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I'm sure Kirsty & myself could squeeze you into our busy schedule when you arrive back in England, let you escort us to a nice bar or something? oh and take no notice of D2J, we wont bleed you dry (of cash) :D


ps... Hope your not talking 3somes young man!? :suspect: :hihi:



;) I wonder by the time i get back will there only be another branch of Weatherspoons ! :confused::hihi::loopy:


I'm sure there's a few nice spots i wonder if theres anywhere that does disco, roller bowling :suspect::D


3somes i certainly was ! doing karaoke ! ;)

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yeah but to start seein sumone uve gotta have sumat in common but looks and confindence are important too, u could have the best conversations in the world but if theres no spark its pointless- n u may as well just talk 2 ur mates


This is true. There has to be that 'click', as they call it. Thats why personality is a big thing to look for. No point going for someone just because they are hot because they could have no personality at all...

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looks gets you the chance of a relationship, personality keeps one... i look it as the same as going for a job...you have to get your foot in the door and prove yourself..but getting given the chance to prove yourself is quite difficult as lets face it... everyone gets nervous and isnt totally themselves on a 'first date'


and i personally know a lot of girls who say its personality that they go for most but i know its not the truth by seeing the guys they go out with and then 'realise' they are boring... but a boring 'stud' will get more chances at dates then a interesting 'non-studly' guy :hihi:


i feel more confident about myself at this point in my life as i ever have...i'm a crack up at work and a funny chatty bugger who can pretty much get on with anyone.... but i still have some weird reaction when i step into clubs and turn into the man who forgets how to string 2 words together and trips over his own feet (while standing still!)


Glad your feeling more confident now Mtheo and hope your feeling alot better than recent weeks.

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looks gets you the chance of a relationship, personality keeps one... i look it as the same as going for a job...you have to get your foot in the door and prove yourself..but getting given the chance to prove yourself is quite difficult as lets face it... everyone gets nervous and isnt totally themselves on a 'first date'


and i personally know a lot of girls who say its personality that they go for most but i know its not the truth by seeing the guys they go out with and then 'realise' they are boring... but a boring 'stud' will get more chances at dates then a interesting 'non-studly' guy :hihi:


i feel more confident about myself at this point in my life as i ever have...i'm a crack up at work and a funny chatty bugger who can pretty much get on with anyone.... but i still have some weird reaction when i step into clubs and turn into the man who forgets how to string 2 words together and trips over his own feet (while standing still!)



Aw theo! You're so lovely!

From what I've read about you over the past few weeks, you sound so much nicer than the "stud" guys you describe. They arent what I want... I want someone who can make me laugh, who is caring, thoughtful and will do the little things to put a smile on my face, which is all I ask for.


Don't you ever change Mister, you Princess and my Prince are on their way... :D


(BTW I take it you didnt get my 1571?)

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