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Do We Take Offence Too Easily?

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There have been several celebrity "Roasts" on telly over the past few days and last night was William Shatners` turn.


I chanced across this last night Jabber, just at the point where one of the comedians used the 'C' word to describe another female comedian, dont think I've ever heard the word used before on a tv programme..I was shocked!


Americans are generally quite prudish about bad language on TV, and this really was at the high end of that. A lot of what the guy said was funny, but his wit was devalued by what he thought was the need to shock the audience.

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I chanced across this last night Jabber, just at the point where one of the comedians used the 'C' word to describe another female comedian, dont think I've ever heard the word used before on a tv programme..I was shocked!


Americans are generally quite prudish about bad language on TV, and this really was at the high end of that. A lot of what the guy said was funny, but his wit was devalued by what he thought was the need to shock the audience.


I honestly thought Id seen and heared it all but I was laughing and gasping in shock at some of the things that were said on that show! I only looked at it because there was bugger all else on and I ended up watching it all.

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The problem in dealing with ' offensive ' or ' funny ' jokes is trying to decide which is in which category-----and of coure, who is doing the judging ! In reality it 's 99 % useless and absurd to even try. The more disapproval the sensitive souls express, the bigger the ' kick ' for the jokester. How about borderline cases ?

This is another one of those stupid situations our society has got itself into, by trying to over-control personal freedom & expression. The Soviets & the governments of E. Europe tried to control anti-communist humour for about 45 years [ complete with imprisonment for more effect. ] They failed dismally. In fact, the anti-communist jokes went ' underground ' and the jokes probably became more vicious .......and more effective ? Certainly the whole Politically Correct Edifice fell apart quick enough when the opportunity arose. A backlash ? Very dodgy things, backlashes-----as Control Freaks often find out to their cost !

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Chubby Brown once called me a fat, racist, sexist pig! :D



Its odd, is that because I heared that he cant go anywhere without people yelling "You fat >insert swearword here< because of his stage show...thing...


Funny thing that.


I remember when Joan Rivers had her chat show in Britain and one of her guests was Bernard Manning. Tyically he was boorish, rude and alienated some of the audience.


But it was reported afterwards that he took great offence at Joan calling him a 'fat pig'.


Obviously some people don't like a taste of their own medicine.

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A joke can, indeed, be very funny despite being offensive. The problem is that many people think being offensive makes it funny, which it doesn't. Being offensive just makes it offensive, unless it's funny as well.


I'll agree with this, I can laugh my head off in absolute disgust at some jokes, and some I can be absolutely disgusted with.

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Chris Rock- I LOVE it when he tears white people to bits, theres no way can I be offended because I`m usually too busy laughing and damn-well agreeing with him!


I only discovered this bloke about six months ago and I think he`s brilliant.


Have a look at this:



Also look up Katt Williams, very funny!


You're right though Jabber, most of the 'racist' humour used by Chris Rock is funny, because it's inclusive-but occassionally Ive seen him step over that mark and try to be very funny, by being very offensive, but on the whole it's enjoyable stuff.

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Funny thing that.


I remember when Joan Rivers had her chat show in Britain and one of her guests was Bernard Manning. Tyically he was boorish, rude and alienated some of the audience.


But it was reported afterwards that he took great offence at Joan calling him a 'fat pig'.


Obviously some people don't like a taste of their own medicine.


Interesting stuff.... Puts me in mind of bullys who like to rip the poo put of people yet scream when they get it ripped out of them... I wonder how many of these comedians of Mannings ilk were bullys in their former lives...

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Have a look at this:



Also look up Katt Williams, very funny!


You're right though Jabber, most of the 'racist' humour used by Chris Rock is funny, because it's inclusive-but occassionally Ive seen him step over that mark and try to be very funny, by being very offensive, but on the whole it's enjoyable stuff.


That was hilarious! Rocks` face alone makes me laugh... trouble is the OH has seen all the other Youtube clips of him and wants to see them!


I may be some time...

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I've been a fan of Kevin 'Bloody ' Wilson for over 20 years , and still find him very funny , and like he says....DILLIGAF.....:huh:....:hihi:


I have a CD of a load of his songs and Ive had it in a drawer for about five years and never listened to it. I might have a squiz at it later now you mentioned him.

Id never heared of him before someone got me the CD.

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