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The Successes of our Labour Government

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As a result the UK is not far off being pub free. Credit where it's due ;)


Rubbish. There are plenty of pubs and many are thriving. If they are not it is because landlords are not doing enough to attract and keep custom. A decent pub should be much more than just an inddor smoking shelter or drop in centre for the long term unemployed on a council estate.

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Oh yeah thats right, we owe nothing and all is fine and dandy.


Meanwhile back in the real world......


I'm confused by your point, if you are blaming the Government for the debt then surely you need to credit them for the increase in wealth.:huh:

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we can't afford what we can't afford. We should do our best where we can but when you do all this based on fake money there will come a point where you can borrow no more and are basically f*****. Hey presto, now we need to cut things. It would have been more sensible to do much less of each of labours policies but make it sustainable-This is not a word in the labour vocabulary.


We can't, or don't want to afford these policies?


Surely if one of the richest nations in the world cannot afford these things then who can?

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As a result the UK is not far off being pub free. Credit where it's due ;)


Yep - the smoking ban sending the smokers outside to create a smoke screen while the pub dissapears like a Paul Daniels magic act.


Using the smokers and beer price hikes to get rid of the alcohol before it becomes mandatory under Sharia law......... stroke of genius........ allah be praised.

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Not a problem when you have 9 Trillion of wealth!


Lies lies lies .. just stop peddling your utter rubbish. This has been disproved time and time again. The last time was here: http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showpost.php?p=6095884&postcount=221


Why do you lie so much? do you think people are stupid and will believe you if you keep saying the same thing over and over.

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Not a problem when you have 9 Trillion of wealth!


Thats a bit like saying, im £500k in debt but thats ok cus my next door neighbour has a couple of million in assets, so everything is fine and dandy.

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I know it's fashonable to hammer this government on the Sheffield Forum, but I am sick and tired of hearing the cynics, the Tories & liberals, and the media constantly undermining the success story of the Labour Government’s record over the past 13 years. I am afraid people have very short memories and perhaps it is time to remind ourselves as to the achievements of the government since they came to power in 1997. Here's just 52 Labour Achievements;




1. A rising National Minimum Wage - Annual rise for 1 million people, now £5-80 per hour. Remember the £1-20 per hour when they took power - opposed by the Tories and business


2. In Europe we signed the Social Chapter and introduced measures including: four weeks’ paid holiday; the right to parental leave; extended maternity leave; a new right to request flexible working; and the same protection for part-time workers full-time workers. – opposed by the Tories


3. The New Deal has helped over 2 million people into work – opposed by the Tories


4. A million people are benefiting from real tax cuts to boost their income this year




5. Massive investment in new hospitals buildings - The shortest waiting times since NHS records began.- remember the condition of Wards back in 1997 with peeling paint and leaking roofs


6. 3 million more operations carried out each year since 1997, doubling the number of heart operations


7. Over 44,000 more doctors


8. Over 89,000 more nurses


9. Health Centres - Over three quarters of GP practices now offer extended opening hours for at least one evening or weekend session a week. In new a vastly improved facilities and clinics


10. All prescriptions are now free for people being treated for cancer or the effects of cancer, and teenage girls are offered a vaccination against cervical cancer


11. The NHS can now guarantee that you will see a cancer specialist within two weeks if your GP suspects you may have cancer


12. Whatever your condition, you will not have to wait more than 18 weeks from GP referral to the start of hospital treatment – and most waits are much shorter than this.




13. A million pensioners benefiting from increased Winter Fuel Payments over 60’s £250 if you live alone, £400 over 80


14. 900,000 pensioners lifted out of poverty


15. Free TV licences for over-75s


16. Free bus travel anywhere in England for over-60’s and disabled people – remember the Tories stopping Sheffield’s cheap bus fares with free travel for pensioners


17. Launched the Swimming Challenge Fund to support free swimming for over 60s and under 16s – opposed by Lib/Dems in Sheffield and Hull


Children & Families


18. 500,000 children lifted out of relative poverty and measures already in train will lift around a . further 500,000 children out of poverty. £20 per week, 1st child - £13-20 subsequent


19. Over 3 million Child Trust Funds have been started.


20. A free nursery place for every 3 and 4 year old.


21. Nearly 3,000 Sure Start Children’s Centres opened, reaching 2 million children and their families.- Tories promising to end Sure Start


22. Doubled the number of registered childcare places, over 1.5 million, 1 in every 4 children under 8


Education & Schools


23. New Schools - Over 3,700 rebuilt or significantly refurbished schools; including new, improved classrooms, laboratories and kitchens, most with new Sport Facilities – remember the old leaking roofs


24. Over 42,400 more teachers and 123,000 more teaching assistants than in 1997


25. Increased school funding to support the delivery of higher standards. In the last 11 years, total funding per pupil has more than doubled. In real terms, an increase of 110%


26. In 1997 over half of all schools saw less than 30% of pupils gain 5 good GCSEs. This has dramatically improved with a guarantee that no school should fail this mark after 2011


27. A massive investment in University & college buildings, more young people attending university than ever before


28. More than doubled the number of apprenticeships starts, with figures for 2008/9 showing 234,000 started compared to 75,000 in 1997.




29. Peace in Northern Ireland


30. Cancelled up to 100 per cent of debt for the world’s poorest countries – opposed by the Tories


31. More than doubled Britain’s overseas aid budget. UK aid helps lift 3 million people out of poverty ever year. Led efforts to agree a new international convention banning all cluster munitions.


32. Introduced the first ever British Armed Forces and Veterans Day to honour the achievements of our armed forces – both past and present. 33. In the last 4 years Labour’s work overseas has helped over 7 million people in sub-Saharan Africa access clean water and sanitation


34. Devolution in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. – opposed by the Tories




35. The UK is now smoke free, with no smoking in most enclosed public places.- opposed by the Tories


36. The UK’s greenhouse gas emissions are now 21% below 1990 levels, beating our Kyoto target.


37. Britain now has more offshore wind capacity than any country in the world. Wind last year provided enough electricity to power 2 million homes


38. Banned fox hunting – opposed by the Tories who promise to bring it back


Housing, Neighbourhoods & Safety


39. Over £20 billion in bringing social housing to decent standards – every council house being modernised


40. Launched the £1.5 billion Housing Pledge to speed up the delivery of new affordable housing and embarked on the biggest program of council house building for twenty years - remember the state of our housing sock after years of neglect


41. Rough sleeping has dropped by two thirds and homelessness is at its lowest level since early 1980s


42. Since 1997 overall crime is down 36 per cent; domestic burglary is down 54 per cent; vehicle related crime is down 57% and violent crime is down 41 per cent.


43. A new flexible points-based system to ensure only those economic migrants who have the skills our economy needs can come to work in the UK.


44. Police numbers up 16,000 since 1997, alongside over 16,000 Police Community Support Officers


45. Every community now has its own dedicated neighbourhood police team, easily contactable by the people living in the community and working to agreed local priorities dealing with all concerns.


Equal Opportunities


46. Equalised the age of consent and repealed Section 28 – apposed by the Tories


47. The introduction of civil partnerships, Labour has given legal recognition to same-sex partners. Gay couples now have the same inheritance, pension and next-of-kin rights as married couples.- apposed by the Tories


Culture Sport & Leisure


48. Free admission to our national museums and galleries.


49. The ‘Right to Roam’ the CROW act opening up acres of moorland for the walkers and families – apposed by the Tories and Land Owners


50. Created a new right of pedestrian access to the English coast, so that every family has the opportunity to enjoy the length and breadth of our coastline– again apposed by Tories and land owners


51. Created 4 new National Parks at Loch Lomond, New Forrest, the Cairngorms and the South Downs


52. Led the campaign to win the 2012 Olympics. Today the programme remains on time and on budget with over 40% of the construction programme completed and all major venues under construction.


This government has seen through the largest Public Capital Building programme ever carried out in the history of this country, whether it be in Education, Health, House Modernisation, Culture and Leisure, a magnificent achievement, surely the most successful Labour government ever!


Don’t let them destroy it. We owe it to our children and grandchildren to protect this. This election is winnable and if we can get Gordon to combine it with the local elections in May giving us around a 70% turn out we will take back most of the big cities as well.


So get out there and fight!!!


Introducing an armed forces day is the least they could do considering they have sent nearly 3 hundred soldiers to their deaths in Afghanistan, not forgeting the many killed in the illegal Iraq war. Two wars, one illegal are some other "achievments" you forget to mention.


Murdering liars the lot of 'em.

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Introducing an armed forces day is the least they could do considering they have sent nearly 3 hundred soldiers to their deaths in Afghanistan, not forgeting the many killed in the illegal Iraq war. Two wars, one illegal are some other "achievments" you forget to mention.


Murdering liars the lot of 'em.


Neither of those wars, nor the outpourings of disgust because of those wars was sufficient to deter people from voting Labour in 2005.


What's changed?

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39. Over £20 billion in bringing social housing to decent standards – every council house being modernised


I should point out that this is an EU directive, part of a Europe wide program of improvements to social housing. It would have been carried out regardless of who was in power.

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Neither of those wars, nor the outpourings of disgust because of those wars was sufficient to deter people from voting Labour in 2005.


What's changed?


Unfortunately not the political voting system.


In reply to your own question...go and find out how many people voted for New Labour compared to how many DIDNT vote for New Labour in 2005.


Even leaving out the sizeable quantity that didn't vote at all, I believe you will find an unhealthy imbalance in British politics and in the laughable, laudable voting system.

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