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Which is the best pub in Sheffield?


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The Sheaf View:


Low prices for huge selection of high quality ales.


Mix of punters is varied and never objectionable.


We often win the quiz and get free drinks!


Beats Dev Cat for atmosphere, clientelle & prices.

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Dev Cat is good but it isn't the best pub. Depends what you want on a particular occassion/day and cost etc etc. Personally, on a nice day/evening I think the 'Fat Cat' is better than 'Dev Cat' as it has a decent garden/outside seating area. Good pubs with proper outside sitting areas is something I think Sheffield city centre lacks.

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I have a bit of a fetish for continental beers like Erdinger and Paulaner. Not many places sell that kind of stuff, so apart from the Dev Cat, I can't think of anywhere else? well Whetherspoons have Erdinger in bottles. It was great when I went to Italy, that kind of stuff was all you could get! :D

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