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How our society has degraded. Cultural Marxist/Critical Theory explained.

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Aye. I can understand how the weak-of-mind will fall for it. They don't think about it. They believe it because they want to believe it.


The part that I find astounding is that, when I pointed out this bizarre confusion between capitalism and marxism, BritPat actually sought to defend it! Of course he couldn't actually explain why the excesses of capitalism are due to a Marxist conspiracy so we had the usual skirting around the issue instead. :loopy:


His usual tactic of arguing both sides of the argument and then concluding with a told you so type sentence :hihi:

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Aye. I can understand how the weak-of-mind will fall for it. They don't think about it. They believe it because they want to believe it.


The part that I find astounding is that, when I pointed out this bizarre confusion between capitalism and marxism, BritPat actually sought to defend it! Of course he couldn't actually explain why the excesses of capitalism are due to a Marxist conspiracy so we had the usual skirting around the issue instead. :loopy:


You are guilty of a terminological inexactitude ! I did indeed point out that the masses will be told that their best protection will be found by ceding power and control to international (global) institutions.

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This is an American video but it applies to the whole of western society.




COULD A MOD FIX THE TITLE FOR ME? i missed the word society! :blush::hihi:


Thank you for posting that link - it's the best laugh I've had in ages!


But I don't understand why you should feel embarrassed and blush, just because you missed a word out of your thread title. After all, if you are willing to own up to believing the unmitigated nonsense being spouted in that video, you must surely be way beyond embarrassment.

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I love this poop. This film, and the subsequent discussions here, highlight a dizzying promiscuity of ideas that leads us only in circles.


Capitalism doesn't exist anymore, socialism doesn't exist anymore, cultural norms do not exist anymore. In a non exhaustive list: Every idea, or dogma, or cultural critique, or faith, or subversion, or perversion, or race, or nation is spinning wildly in a storm of cross reference, of endless mixing, recycling and regurgitation. The excretia that results is a hopeless hotchpotch of confusing, superficial, banal and ultimately meaningless, empty signs. Sure, it's fun, but it sure is vacuous and it's very easy to get lost.


Fringe groups cling to a particular sense of the world and get angry when reality does not match their reverie. Happy to blame anything or anyone, happy to find a focus in the blur. Just like me.


We can see how the maker of this film has confused a cynical capitalism with a strange marxism. The breakdown of the family can be just as accurately analysed as an, increasingly succesful, attempt by capitalists to grow new markets of independent women with their own disposable income. And as a point of fact, America is built on genocide.


Our world is so complex that any idea can now succesfully be CAPITALISED on. You don't need to feel guilty about anything that makes a profit, look at online pornography! You don't need to feel guilty about being a working mother if you can make time to shop. I don't feel guilty about eating bananas, they're fair trade and carbon offset.

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And where are all these disaffected radical baby boomers today? Why... part of the establishment they so despised, worried about their cholestrol levels, their blood pressures, their stock market shares and pensions and will they be able to manage economically as their retirement draws ever nearer.


Makes you want to laugh

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One example to consider. Pre 'Female - economic emancipation' A husband would work his 40 or 50 hour week his wife would protect and nurture their children and the whole family would live on the earnings of the husband.


Post ' Female - economic emanciptaion' husband and wife compete for the same jobs thereby lowering wage rates (supply and demand) the children if the couple have time to start a family are left to their own devices, the husband and wife combined work 80 to 100 hours per week for a marginal increase in financial earnings while their family falls to bits.


So um...that would be capitalism then...


I get the impression you don't actually know what socialism is...


I get the impression that you are a naive and simple soul :hihi:


Marxism relies on 'The internal contradictions and pressures' of Capitalism to cause the system to collapse.


Nothing like helping the system do its worst pour encourager les autres

a means to an end, a tactic.


Do you play Chess one move at a time ? :hihi:

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