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How our society has degraded. Cultural Marxist/Critical Theory explained.

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Sorry, you failed the "vague assertions" test.

You started this new thread to show that video, which is ludicrously wrong in ways we've discussed on previous pages.


In your opinion Garrence.


Do you seriously believe it? You think the Joy of Sex is some Marxist attempt to degrade society?


Its tame by todays standards but back then it caused quite a stir.


Do you, like BritPat, think the federal bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac was a Marxist conspiracy? Please do explain... (without inviting us to "use your imagination" or making vague assertions if you please).


Talk to BritPat about that one.

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So it's clear you cannot tell us how the Joy of Sex is a Marxist attempt to degrade society. You cannot tell us how the collapse and bailout of Fannie & Freddie was a Marxist attempt to transfer wealth from the masses to the elite.


That's because they weren't.


You won't even say you believe those things, despite presumably having believed them all without question when you first watched the video.


Do you now think the whole video is nonsense, or just those parts?


Shall we continue and apply some critical thinking to the rest of the video?

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So it's clear you cannot tell us how the Joy of Sex is a Marxist attempt to degrade society.


Look, people shagged in the olden days, but being discreet about it had always been this countries way.

I can see the comedic value in me trying to link the Joy Of Sex to a Marxist attempt to degrade society but thats because that book is very tame now compared to todays standards. But it was a start and it did the trick at the time.


You cannot tell us how the collapse and bailout of Fannie & Freddie was a Marxist attempt to transfer wealth from the masses to the elite.


That's because they weren't.


I'v already said my bit on that.

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I can see the comedic value in me trying to link the Joy Of Sex to a Marxist attempt to degrade society but thats because that book is very tame now compaired to todays standards. But it was a start and it did the trick at the time.


So you do think the Joy of Sex was a Marxist attempt to degrade society?


Have you thought about this possibility - that all of these random things on the video and that unpleasant UKIP man's article are just that - random things? It makes a lot more sense than claiming that it's all part of a shadowy plot dating back to the Frankfurt School.

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I'v already said my bit on that.


Hi GItD. What has this:


Well, once upon a time this country was quite savvy when it came to financial matters, but somethings changed!!


got to do with this:


Do you, like BritPat, think the federal bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac was a Marxist conspiracy?



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Hi GItD. What has this:




got to do with this:






Im not thinking that the bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac was a Marxist conspiracy.


I wasn't realy wanting to focus on that part of the video realy; you can tell that its not part of the original video anyway, it looks added on later, by the person who upoaded the video, who thought, perhaps wrongly, that the Fannie Mae bail out is something to do with CM.


When i turned on the news and heard - "Fannie Mae collapse", i thought they were talking about Katie Price :hihi:

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  • 4 months later...

Very interesting video, of course the narrator seems somewhat jaded about Critical Theory. Its an important concept though as the dialectic suggests, theory, opposing theory, synthesis, new thoery, and so it continues.


As for the Frankfurt School, I have a copy of Adorno's "The Culture Industry" and Jeeesus its hard work! So many academic books are written in that way that prevents access unless one has some level of education that allows for it, which ties in in a big way to education/class inequality, turns out Pierre Bourdieu was right after all :)


LMAO!!! I just watched the other video on the page... "Cultural Marxism" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUsimQ3iJVY&feature=related

Talk about getting the wrong end of the stick AND spewing out some completely misguided propaganda about Marx (The evil genius lol lol) Videos like this crack me up, as soon as the video shows a picture of Marx have a listen to how the background music changes and becomes sinister lol. The 'narrator' then goes on to completely lie about what Marx actually did/did not say and neglect to include the bits of importance. He says..."Marx looked forward to taking over the world/dicatorship of the proletariat" Anyone who has bothered to read Marx knows this is not the case. Marx stated that to begin to with, yes the 'state' (But not the state as we assume it to be, the state being one set up by the workers, NOT the Capitalists) would need to take a lead until it was able to wither away.


That narrator is a tool and the video is geared towards portraying Marx as some evil dictator. He clearly wasnt at all, all Marx did was look at capitalist society and say.."Hang on a minute, this is well unfair!!" Which to anyone with eyes is no revelation at all...The heads of Multi Nationals, big business etc living a life of absolute luxury (remeber the bankers bonuses?) and then the other side of the globe, kiddies working 20 hour days in sweat shops to produce goods!


I reckon that folk are eager to defend capitalism because its such an ingrained almost accepted part of our existence nowadays. Imagine if some alien intelligence came and did a covert study of humankind and spent a few months looking at the polar extremes of existence from affluence to absolute poverty, Im sure as hell certain they would go away scratching their heads totally confused and horrified.

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