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When was Gordon PM

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A couple of years after Blair promised to serve a full third term. Then followed a coronation because nobody had the balls to back anybody else. Then just a couple of months later they realised what a mistake they'd made and mounted the first of many attempted coups.

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Gordon Brown went to Isreal on a fact finding mission but was taken ill and died.

The Isrealis said, look we can bury him over here or we can fly him back with all the pomp and circumstance you want but it will cost £5,000,000.

The government thought it for a week then said to the Isrealis, look we fly him back.

The astonished Isrealis were dumbfounded, being a frugal lot, and said but it onl;y costs £100 to inter him here.

Yes said the government, we remember someone else who was buried over there and two days later he rose from the dead and we cannot afford to take that risk.

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Imagine if there was some place on the internet you could enter simple search terms and get the answer back immediately?


Of course, that will never happen will it?




Brown became Prime Minister in June 2007
Well, I didn't know that - not that I'm really interested in any of those clowns...
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