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Calling all Men..


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I'm looking for some men that are willing to donate some time for a brilliant cause!


I'm planning a ladies night to raise money for HELP FOR HEROES!


The night is at Ponds Forge in Sheffield on Friday 25th June 2010.


We need




(You will need to be well presented and over the age of 18. Waiters required for bar/drinks only)


As part of the ladies night we will be having a 'Man Auction' no dodgyness I promise!!;);)


...and so need willing males to be sold to the gorgeous women of Sheffield!


The ladies will be able to bid for a man on our auction, hopefully raising as much money as possible...


The bid is placed ONLY to go on a date (meal for 2 on a date agreed by both parties) with the man and we hold no further responsibility!!


We understand that some of our ladies will be happily married girls and so we also need volunteers of auction prizes to be sold for DIY, lawn mowing, painting, dusting round the house....shopping whatever you like, you get the idea!!


We have held this event before and it was a massive success, all funds received will be donated directly to Help for Heroes....anyone who is interested in helping out please pm me asap or email shelandjennepal2010@hotmail.co.uk


Many Thanks

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Oh, well i'm not bothered, then:hihi:


No dodgyness I promise on the night....what happens on the date is purely up to the bidder and the willing male!!


As I said before, merely keeping within the law....once the auction and the meal is complete its completely up to you guys!!




Tickets will be on sale shortly, please keep your eyes peeled!!!xx

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