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Alcohol: How much is too much?

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...It's based on an entirely arbitrary figure plucked out of thin air, however, I would suggest that drinking every night is a sign of psychological dependence.


Ditto eating/wanting red chilli sauce every night?


...(you ain't a Real Man unless you drink ten pints of Stella a night) ...


Drat! Just hand me that pinny.

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I know what you;re saying there, but would you think that in other countries that have a glass of wine or two with a meal, every night, rather than our seemingly binge drinking culture, that they have the same psychological dependance?


Now there we have to contend with different perceptions, Our delightful Govt. (backed by the BMA) decide to tell us we're wrong for having a drink every night. The continentals, true to their fashion, are a bit more chilled.


For me, I reckon it's down to the person. If you think having a drink every night is a problem for you the it probably is, If not then the opposite applies.

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I once had a drink problem, well no I had problem, it wasn't the drink, the drink just helped.

But once I got over the problem the drink was a little harder to overcome.

Until the hangovers hurt for days.

Now I rarely drink, I'll have a few pints every now and again and maybe stupor once a year or so.

But I'm not one of the casual drinkers that can sit down to a daily bottle of wine/crate of stella etc.

And would prefer not to drink if possible.


Now the question for me is:-


Food: How much is too much?

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