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Alcohol: How much is too much?

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The thing about alcohol is, I can't go out (to the pub) without drinking it, well, I can, but don't enjoy it, same with restaurants, same when I have people over for dinner, if I stay in on my own I'm fine, although I tend to buy a bottle of wine in the evening at the weekend.


I therefore have no idea if I am alcohol dependant or not, in some instances I'd say yes, in others, no.

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They said that once New Labour had banned the smokers, the drinkers would be next and they were right! You can't open a paper, look at a billboard or watch TV without some nanny state rubbish about alcohol limits.


I like a beer or two most nights. I rarely get drunk, I hold down a regular job and have a happy life. I don't need some government jobsworth to invent a silly term like "alcohol-dependent" to judge me with.

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The "limits" were basically just a arbitrary figure. Whilst being a broadly sensible limit to stay within most of the time it's not the be all and and all the gov. would have us believe. It's not like all men and all women are the same height and build is it?? I really object to the gov. ramming it down everyone's throats that these are scientifically proven as precise limits we have to stick to.

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as soon as you use the word "need" in a conversation about drinking.


phew a hard day i NEED a drink.


at that point. you have a problem...

I do agree and for some people alcohol is a deceptive drug and the road to alcoholism is a very slippery one indeed and once you are really addicted, it's like being in a well that you feel you can't get out of without help - problem is, believe me, there isn't anywhere near enough help for alcoholics.


Please people, don't think that casual drinking of a few pints per week cannot possibly lead to alcoholism because in some cases it can, as it has done for an awful lot of people, including myself and its like playing Russian roulette with your life - and with those who love you but don't really understand what is happening to you.


This is not a joke and the 'joke' wares very thin when one is really addicted to alcohol. About two years ago I was drinking one and a half (or more) full bottles of neat Vodka per day and some people have been known to drink much more which would kill most people within a few hours. Alcohol is a poison that wrecks lives in more way than one and eventually if he (or she) does not stop drinking, the alcoholic will die a most horrible death and before that happens, will suffer greatly both physically and mentally - apart from the cost in monetary terms and the cost of friends and family (and yourself) loosing respect for you, especially as it does with some people, when it causes them do daft or sometimes very bad things.


Today I drink much less than I did but I'm still struggling against it and it's much harder for me than trying to stop smoking, which itself is very hard to do for myself and most smokers. On the one hand I'm pleased that I drink less but on the other hand it is still making me ill and every time I do it, I get disappointed that I didn't keep my promise to myself that this time around, I will stop the drinking.


It is not the case for everyone I admit, but for some people alcoholism can become more difficult to overcome than the taking of Heroine - so should we risk taking the chance? I say that if someone finds that they need to drink more and more, they should be honest with themselves that they do have a problem and that they need to stop drinking whilst it is more easy to do - unless that person wants to die in a very horrible way and on top of that, will likely die alone.


Myself, I live on my own and although I have cut down I have little support and although I don't like to think it possible, I could go to my grave suffering a terrible death after suffering terribly before that. This is not what I want to happen but with the system and society being what they are, it could likely happen to me if I do not get help as I admit that I do need some help. It is not my choice to suffer because of alcohol and I do recognise that I need help to get rid of my addiction. Please believe me, I do not want to die through the terrible effects of alcoholism and I am trying to stop and my advice to anyone who needs to drink more and more, is to stop it in its tracks before it becomes a much greater problem.


T (John).

... written after drinking half a bottle of Vodka - does it make sense to anyone? I hope so!

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you said "each night" - and that to me, means its a drinking problem...


do you (or whoever it's regarding) HAVE to have a drink 'each night' or can you easily go a night, or more without a drink?


but personally, I don't have to have a drink, I can drink through 40 or so vodkas on a night out and not feel a thing... then be fine for a few weeks, and not touch anything till the next time i'm out.

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you said "each night" - and that to me, means its a drinking problem...


do you (or whoever it's regarding) HAVE to have a drink 'each night' or can you easily go a night, or more without a drink?


but personally, I don't have to have a drink, I can drink through 40 or so vodkas on a night out and not feel a thing... then be fine for a few weeks, and not touch anything till the next time i'm out.


The above sounds more like alcoholism than a glass of wine or beer a night:confused:

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I go out on a Saturday night most weeks and to be honest I am probably what would be classed as a binge drinker I have not too many but enough to be quite merry! But the rest of the week I don't touch a drop and have no inclination for any but according to the government I am putting my health at risk!!


It really gets on my nerves everyone should drink what suits them unfortunately there are always going to be some people who end up alchohol dependant no matter what the government says.

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