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Alcohol: How much is too much?

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The only thing worse than a reformed puritanical ex-smoker is a reformed puritanical ex-drinker. Just because you're too weak to handle your booze doesn't mean everyone else is the same. Why don't you stop judging people by your standards?


By jove Gordon, you ARE a tough boy, I wish I was as strong as you.:roll:

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  • 7 months later...

I believe anyone asking this question, is basically feeling guilty. There is no such thing as too much, each and every person that uses alcohol has different levels of ability to control and cope.


I speak as someone who almost died through being extremely ill, some of which was down to my alcohol intake.


Although I havent taken a drink for over 440 days, realistically I still consider myself an alcoholic. I would like to share my dreadful experience with support groups, and feel having "been there" almost to the point of death, I can offer invaluable support and information.


Anybody/Group who may be interested in me speaking to them please feel free to contact me. All i ask for in return is that the people I speak to, dont drink directly prior to meeting. The fact I can help other people who may be going through similar issues i faced - is payment enough:) For further information feel free to PM me, Thanx

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There are now machines that tell you when you've had to much to drink. They're called ATM machines;)


I must admit I have a drink problem. The problem is it costs a fortune.


I'm quite a heavy drinker but I'm starting to drink less nowadays.

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There are several signs when you've had too much.


The old hag sitting at the other end of the bar suddenly starts to look like Miss World


You say to the guy who you've suddenly picked a fight with "Step outside I'll take the both of you on"


You tale one hour to weave your way home (normally a ten minute walk) and puke all over your neighbor's prize gardenias just before reaching your doorstep

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If any person NEEDS a drink each day,(cannot go without one) and whether this is 1pint or 30 pints..one is classed as been an alcoholic??..this was stated on a programme i watched a while ago, by a G.P..i recall thinking at the time..most of us are probably "alcoholics" then.lol.

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You know when its too much when you can't stop the bed spinning!!!


lie on your side facing against the spin not with it, if you lean with it you get the falling sensation and end up being sick


....so I've been told :blush:

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If any person NEEDS a drink each day,(cannot go without one) and whether this is 1pint or 30 pints..one is classed as been an alcoholic??..this was stated on a programme i watched a while ago, by a G.P..i recall thinking at the time..most of us are probably "alcoholics" then.lol.


Why? I'm sure that most of don't drink every day... :suspect:

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