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Is Vince Cable all he's cracked up to be?

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I disagree with those saying he'd make a good chancellor. He needs to be scrutinised more before we can make that assertion. I lost a lot of respect for Vince, and indeed the Lib Dems the other day when I watched the Politics Show on Saturday. They have released a frankly absurd poster suggesting the Tories WILL increase our yearly VAT bill by £389. However there is no evidence for this, and Vince even refused to rule out a VAT rise if the LDs ever won power! Vince has had an easy ride because he can stand on the sidelines like Clegg and take little swipes at the Two big parties, but when he has to stand up to scrutiny and gets properly interviewed the facade begins to crumble somewhat.

Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQFraM6u_HA


Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gv9zaOb0DNo&feature=related

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It would be interesting to see what each of the three probable chancellors would do if their thinking was not tied to party dogma. In the end of course they can do no more than their Treasury masters allow them to.


I noticed in the paper today Ed Balls' brother was dissing UK gilts, - with friends like these who needs enemies :hihi:

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Cable as Chancellor? Absolutely not! Apart from the fact he'd be more suited to the Werther's Original ad., last week he described businessmen (Yes, Vince those businessmen who create and sustain millions of jobs thus creating billions in tax) as 'nauseating' simply because they questioned Brown & Darlings ability to run the economy. After the last 13 years, who wouldn't?


Uncle Vinnie - like Clegg and the other LibDums is very good at spouting off what he'd do in power, with the luxury of knowing full well they never will be.

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Cable as Chancellor? Absolutely not! Apart from the fact he'd be more suited to the Werther's Original ad., last week he described businessmen (Yes, Vince those businessmen who create and sustain millions of jobs thus creating billions in tax) as 'nauseating' simply because they questioned Brown & Darlings ability to run the economy.


No he didn't.

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Cable as Chancellor? Absolutely not! Apart from the fact he'd be more suited to the Werther's Original ad., last week he described businessmen (Yes, Vince those businessmen who create and sustain millions of jobs thus creating billions in tax) as 'nauseating' simply because they questioned Brown & Darlings ability to run the economy. After the last 13 years, who wouldn't?


Uncle Vinnie - like Clegg and the other LibDums is very good at spouting off what he'd do in power, with the luxury of knowing full well they never will be.


Absolutley spot on Vince.


I'm fed up of politicians going down on their bended knees to kiss the sanctified ringpieces of business leaders. Many of whom were calling for more financial deregulation and when the deregulated system bust want the state to step in.


It's also worth adding that the reason the same business people wanted more deregualtion was a fear that the system would become sclerotic. The job of these business people is to kep their shareholders in profit & if that means chucking people on the dole and moving their business abroad then they'll do it.

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