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Hinde house school days early 60s

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hi mikey

yes thats him mr scott I remember he used to push you of the side if you wouldn't jump in he scared me from learning to swim didn't learne to swim until just before I left school, do you remember an english teacher called mr milner and the big slipper he used to have he always seemed to pick on the same boy in our class to practice using it.

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hi ozgirl,

yeah remember milner well,though he never taught me.--he once hung a pal of mine out of the 3rd floor window!!--he would have been locked up for doing that nowadays!!--he later taught at hatfield house lane night school.----by the way a few of my old school mates have since died!--two from my forms at hindehouse commited suicide!!:(


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  • 8 months later...

i remember ridgeway and napier...especially ridgeway who loved to embarrass you in front of the class before giving you the slipper just because you made a hash of chopping the wood up wrong in the woodwork lesson...i wouldnt mind but it was ony firewood after i had done with it anyhow..

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  • 4 months later...

I was one of the Owler Laners who were transferred en masse to Hinde House in September 63 and did my 4th and 5th years there.I remember messrs Ridgeway and Napier very well and I thought they were decent people whom I would put in the firm but fair category.As far as I'm concerned Mr R was very popular with all of us and I've never heard anyone say a bad thing about him.Other F but F teachers were Mr Glasby and Mr Pashley who both vanished mid term,I think with nervous breakdowns caused by overwork.They were doing a lot of the admin that shouid have been done by other people.Time for tea,more later.

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Other teachers were Mr Crownshaw (metalwork)who was loud and scary but very good natured and Mrs Fairest who was the only teacher allowed to cane girls although I don't think she ever did.Our home room teacher was Mrs Bermingham who is now a district attorney in Derbyshire.She was a bit blue stocking but very nice and ,of course,I can never forget Mr Hooke.He was head of the English department and did a lot to bring me out of my shell by casting me in a play that we put on at the school speech day at the city hall, and I absolutely starred. To be quite honest I don't recall any of the teachers being quick to use the cane,it had to be for some serious breach of discipline,and I'm sure nobody ever got caned for not being able to do the schoolwork,The principal at that time was Mr Edwards who has a thread all to himself on page 63 so I'll probably make a contribution to that.

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  • 1 year later...

I went to Hinde House '63 to '67. Thomas used to teah Maths and Biology, can't remember the cute blonde, but I do remember the PE teacher called JOK ie J O'Keefe.

i also remember Uriah Heap only because he hated my guts. Came to HH from Owler Lane in '63 and was in Brearley House. was in 2C, 3B1, 4G1 and 5G1

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Hi, I've only just noticed this thread. I was at Hinde House School from 1958 to 1962.

I can remember all the teachers mentioned plus a few more.

There was Mr Gill (maths) Mr Hook (english) Mr. Andrews (games and music) and Mrs Napier (can't remember what she taught). There are probably some more but it's a long time ago.

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