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Hinde house school days early 60s

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I went to Hinde House from 1958 to 1963 and prior to that Hucklow Rd. Mrs Howe taught us girls p.e. Do you remember Mr Lord who took us for R.E, (good name for subject) we called him creeping Jesus. I was head girl 62-63 but was terrified of the job so kept out of the way as much as possible.

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I am working on a BBC Radio 4 programme called Profile, which profiles someone in the news - this week we are doing the new Metropolitan Police commissioner Bernard Hogan-Howe. It broadcasts this Saturday at 7pm.


The aim of the 15 minute show is to give listeners an idea of who the subject really is by talking to people who have lived / worked / studied with them over the years. We try to go as far back in time as possible to their school days and move through their career. It's less about the news and the issues they will deal with in future, and more about revealing anecdotes and stories from their past.


Mr Hogan-Howe was at Hinde House in the early 60s and 70s - I was hoping someone at might remember him? I'm on 07853 960 937.


Lucy Proctor

BBC Radio Current Affairs

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  • 4 months later...
I went to Hinde House from 1958 to 1963 and prior to that Hucklow Rd. Mrs Howe taught us girls p.e. Do you remember Mr Lord who took us for R.E, (good name for subject) we called him creeping Jesus. I was head girl 62-63 but was terrified of the job so kept out of the way as much as possible.



hi i went to h.h. from 1959 left 1962. first form teacher Miss Pollard who later left to teach at a school in abbeydale. i remember miss smith, mrs napier ( who was my last form teacher) also remember some other teachers but for now just mention those 3. Miss smith picked me to sing in the school choir, bit silly really as i was unable to sing in tune, but got out of tech. maths.

in our form was susan williams, ann leach, judith bates, lynne davies (sadly years later i was told lynne died) i was friends with jacquline law, did keep in touch with her for a short while after leaving school but lost touch.

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The teachers are what most people would remember from their schooldays, but in the 60s( not exactly sure of the years) my late father was the head groundsman at Hinde House. If my memory serves me well then I think he had two assistants, but can't be sure.

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  • 1 year later...
Hi, I've only just noticed this thread. I was at Hinde House School from 1958 to 1962.

I can remember all the teachers mentioned plus a few more.

There was Mr Gill (maths) Mr Hook (english) Mr. Andrews (games and music) and Mrs Napier (can't remember what she taught). There are probably some more but it's a long time ago.

Hi Looks like we were there at the same time 58 to 62 I remember all those teachers ,can't say it was the happiest time of my life though, I think Mr Schofield was the headmaster Ward was tech drawing Hook was Geography.I was in the "c"stream till 4th year then up to "B" (wasn't the brightest lamp in the street)


---------- Post added 11-02-2013 at 02:28 ----------



hi i went to h.h. from 1959 left 1962. first form teacher Miss Pollard who later left to teach at a school in abbeydale. i remember miss smith, mrs napier ( who was my last form teacher) also remember some other teachers but for now just mention those 3. Miss smith picked me to sing in the school choir, bit silly really as i was unable to sing in tune, but got out of tech. maths.

in our form was susan williams, ann leach, judith bates, lynne davies (sadly years later i was told lynne died) i was friends with jacquline law, did keep in touch with her for a short while after leaving school but lost touch.

Hey I remember Judith Bates also there was a Sylvia Clayton. Mick Smith Mick Swift (gee the grey matter is working hard) I wonder does the school have any reunions
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Hi Mikey

I dont remember no cute blonde teachers

Yeh The bus for swimmin used to pick us up n drop us all at sutherland road baths

yeh I thought ridgeway n napier taught the craft subjects but its all a long time in the past

I lived on the new estates built in the early / mid 60s on top of wincobank hill

Sandstones n Fort Hill

yeh edwards was there when I first stated at the school but then I started in the 2nd year just after the owler laners had merged with Hinde House Sec n bin turned into a Comp


I went to hinde house in the early 70s, the only blonde teacher I recall was miss pitts the french teacher, a bit of a stunner,there were rumours of some racy pictures of her doing the rounds but never got to seè them,these rumours surfaced again to my ears some 12 years later when I started work at a engineering company and got talking to another HH old boy,he veryfied the story as true,but unless you see it with your own eyes !!! also remember mr eckersly another french teacher who sort of acted as miss pitts minder, another bar steward.




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Hi Mikey I was there from 58 to 62 hated the place wasn't the heads name schofield or something,when he got ****** of his head used to come out in a rash, I have lived in Australia for 35 yrs and lost touch, this forum is bringing back a lot of memories (not all good ones). I wonder if they have school reunions , You would be there the same time as my brother Brian


---------- Post added 12-02-2013 at 08:12 ----------


I went to Hinde House from 1958 to 1963 and prior to that Hucklow Rd. Mrs Howe taught us girls p.e. Do you remember Mr Lord who took us for R.E, (good name for subject) we called him creeping Jesus. I was head girl 62-63 but was terrified of the job so kept out of the way as much as possible.

Wow I remember Mr Lord he played violin in assembly, he died while I was there


---------- Post added 12-02-2013 at 08:24 ----------


hi mikey

yes thats him mr scott I remember he used to push you of the side if you wouldn't jump in he scared me from learning to swim didn't learne to swim until just before I left school, do you remember an english teacher called mr milner and the big slipper he used to have he always seemed to pick on the same boy in our class to practice using it.


Mr Scott, Wow the memories I have or that sadist,talk about the good old days I hated every one of them at Sutherland road baths but on the upside at least I learded to swim :)


---------- Post added 12-02-2013 at 20:13 ----------


Anyone remember those bloody dental cards with the green or yellow corners green for fillings and yellow for extraction at Owler Lane butcher dentist.I always got yellow but ran like hell when they called my name.

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hi i was at hinde house 63/67 turner was junior head pemberton/spam was senior head and edwards was overall head my favourite teacher was mr hutchinson/denis law pe the most disliked was ridgeway woodwork teacher he used to learn me the 7 rules of planeing by hitting my head with a peice of 4x4 one tap for every rule didnt realise at the time but they were good times maybe not the times i was getting caned or the slipper for smoking behind the tennis courts

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  • 1 month later...

I went to Hinde House school in Sep 1963, along with everyone from Owler Lane, including Head Mr Edwards, Deputy Head Mr Pashley,"Fred" Glasby, our form teacher( replaced by "Isiah" Howson), "Charlie" Crownshaw, Mr Heap, "Dennis" Priest, Miss Boldock( who became Mrs Bermingham), "Lettice" Lucock, Mrs Macdonald, Miss Fairest and others who's names escape me.

Mr Edwards was indeed a sadistic bully and fully deserves his reputation, I was one of his victims.


Most of the teachers were of the "firm but fair" kind, NOT Mr Edwards. Some were just not very good teachers, we had one for Geography who started with,"Write this down." and spent the next hour dictating. Our physics teacher was of the same breed, "Copy this down." spending the rest of the time with his back to us whilst furiously writing on the blackboard.


Mr Crownshaw taught Metalwork and Engineering drawing, useful to me later as an engineer. Mr Glasby and Mr Howson taught music and gave me an appriciation of classical music. My English teacher ( whose name I can't remember) introduced me to literature, poetry and the theatre.

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I went to Hinde House school in Sep 1963, along with everyone from Owler Lane, including Head Mr Edwards, Deputy Head Mr Pashley,"Fred" Glasby, our form teacher( replaced by "Isiah" Howson), "Charlie" Crownshaw, Mr Heap, "Dennis" Priest, Miss Boldock( who became Mrs Bermingham), "Lettice" Lucock, Mrs Macdonald, Miss Fairest and others who's names escape me.

Mr Edwards was indeed a sadistic bully and fully deserves his reputation, I was one of his victims.


Most of the teachers were of the "firm but fair" kind, NOT Mr Edwards. Some were just not very good teachers, we had one for Geography who started with,"Write this down." and spent the next hour dictating. Our physics teacher was of the same breed, "Copy this down." spending the rest of the time with his back to us whilst furiously writing on the blackboard.


Mr Crownshaw taught Metalwork and Engineering drawing, useful to me later as an engineer. Mr Glasby and Mr Howson taught music and gave me an appriciation of classical music. My English teacher ( whose name I can't remember) introduced me to literature, poetry and the theatre.


Don Boy

I went to HH from Owler Lane the same time as you we probably know each other. Was the English teacher you mentioned Mr Hook, he certainly stuck in my mind as a very good teacher, I remember him telling the clas about Ian Fleming and the Bond books. I hadn't heard of him at that time.



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