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Holiday Giveaway - What Destination Would Tempt You Part With A Few Pounds

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In the right company, even a weekend in Basingstoke would do me ...although I would much prefer York or Newcastle.


What about offering either Slimsid's virginity or the "pleasure" of a night with me as a prize? You'd get lots of takers then.


Slimsid has never seemed so attractive. ;)

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Ideally New York, but being sensible and realistic, Prague or Barcelona?


I know NY, I know Prague, but I've never been to Barcelona.


NY is OK (if you're really into cities - which I'm not.)


I did enjoy Prague (though for all the wrong reasons :hihi::hihi::hihi:


We drove there a few years ago. We found a place to park (about 150 yards from the hotel - near the French Imbecile)


(Let's do the parking bit of the story first ... it's amusing):


I wasn't impressed that I'd got a ticket. I'd parked in a marked bay in a very quiet place on Friday night. We spent Saturday doing 'touristy things' (more about that later) then came back to the car Saturday evening to go out for a meal. - There were no signs which mentioned 'parking charges and no parking meters. But I got a ticket.


(Never throw anything away ... it might just turn out to be useful ;))


We went for our meal (talk about that in a bit ;)) then came back to the car. The car was parked in a marked parking bay; a bay delineated by yellow lines (the bay next had grey lines.)


When we got back to the car we were addressed (really politely! - The Czechs are the friendliest people in the world) by a Lieutenant of Police.


We were told that although we had parked in a marked parking bay, we had committed an offence because we were not entitled to park in that particular bay. We were told that the colours for each bay identified who could park there.


The Lieutenant explained each of the colours, but he didn't mention a colour which applied to tourists. I said to him: "Thanks for the very clear explanation ... but we're tourists. Where can we park?"


He replied: "Not in Prague! - Tourists aren't allowed to park here." We paid the 50p fine ... I would've paid that much to park, but anyway.




When we got back to where I'd parked originally I put the ticket I'd received there under the wiper blade ... that ticket lasted all weekend. (If you've got one, you don't need another)


We've been looking at Brussels. You can get a 3 night package plus Eurostar for about £150per person.


Some people might think Brussels is boring but it is the beer/chocolate capital of the world, what isn't there to like about the place?


Answer to that question? - Dog****! Brussels is a pretty neat place ... but wear high-sided boots (the dog-**** may reach up to at least yer ankles ;))


If you want a really neat City in the Flemish part of Belgium, try Brugges ... perhaps the best (small) city in the world. - And no rip-off prices, either!


Why go to cities? There are plenty of small towns which can (and often do) offer high standard accommodation at (very) reasonable prices and have access to cheap transport into the (expensive) cities you may wish to visit.


The obvious 'Big City' around here is Munich. It's a neat place to visit, but it's also the most expensive city in the world in which to live. If you stay outside the city, It's a remarkably cheap place to visit.

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As part of my next charity drive, I was thinking of trying to further any potential sponsorship by dangling a carrot, in the form of a long city break, to lure people into sponsoring me.


I have been asking around and trying to get offers on reasonably priced city breaks, and so far I've had a few decent deals. However, I will be funding this out of my own pocket so as to not burden the charity with the loss of sponsorship, so I need to make this work and pay for the charity otherwise it would just be simpler to give my money to the charity instead.


So, I am thinking of launching this holiday giveaway, but need somewhere that will excite people into sponsoring me. So, on that note, if you saw that someone was giving away a holiday and to have a chance of winning it, you had to sponsor that person. What destination would most likely encourage you to stick your hand in your pocket?


You'd get my vote for a weekend in NYC :)

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If Brown gets back in, then anywhere but the UK would be very tempting - even Iraq! At least there everyone knows the countries in a mess and who is to blame. There does seem to be a great many myopic people in the UK who think 13 years of Blair and Brown have been nothing but a beautiful journey to Nirvana, where we all now live with our pink fluffy bunnies and no problems at all.

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If Brown gets back in, then anywhere but the UK would be very tempting - even Iraq! At least there everyone knows the countries in a mess and who is to blame. There does seem to be a great many myopic people in the UK who think 13 years of Blair and Brown have been nothing but a beautiful journey to Nirvana, where we all now live with our pink fluffy bunnies and no problems at all.


Whoa! Please keep political rants to the relevant threads, thanks.

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