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Tory Manifesto,2010.

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So here it is,the promised land,I dont see enough detail here to vote for them,for instance on immigration there is going to be a annual limit on non EU migrants but we dont know what the limit will be?

On the planned reduction in the N I rise which liebour want to bring in,as far as I know the liebour party also dont want anyone under £20,000 a year to pay the increase?

On the plus side the freeze for 2 yrs on council tax is very welcome and so is the training places to be given to those now out of work.



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On the plus side the freeze for 2 yrs on council tax is very welcome and so is the training places to be given to those now out of work.


Sounds good. But if inflation goes up 3% pa for the next three years in the third year you'll get a whopping increase of at least 10% on your council tax.


I would rather my CT went up with inflation and have no nasty surprise, thank you.

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It's only £500 to give it a bash yourself, you don't have to belong to a party. So long as you are not in prison or insane (which should in reality have ruled out most of the current criminals in Westminster) you can stand as an MP.

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What i don't get, is we sit back as a society and brand all these people liars and yet we allow it all to continue, so we sit back and take it as a given.


Something is wrong if the lying and decietful members of society run the country.


Well, there is of course an alternative.


You could always run the country yourselves!


What a ridiculous bloody idea! The people are far too stupid to run the country themselves!


Once upon a time (and this isn't a fairy story - it happened long before unelected fairies were allowed to run anything - the people DID run the country. And it worked - sort of.


Each man had his 'peace' and each man maintained hos 'peace'. Sometimes (all too often!) they got it wrong and the wrong people were killed or there were miscarriages of justice, but the remedies of Wer and Bot worked fairly well.


Then the common man handed the right to keep his peace over to the king and the concept of 'the King's peace' arose.


That worked (sort of.)


It might not have been very fair, but it did tend to work. If the peasants didn't like the way they were treated, then they could always 'leg it' to the lands of a lord who would treat them better. - The more generous lord would have more field workers and the mean bugger could always plough his own - and would be likely to achieve lower yields, to have more difficulty in paying his taxes and to end up poor.


Eventually there were Parliaments (with people who set themselves up above the peasants and who (by and large) looked after themselves.)


The people in those parliaments formed 'Parties' (who probably did just that.) The parties didn't give a damn about the people, but they did make sure they looked after their own interests.


How about this for an idea:


The people elect 'representatives' who go to Parliament and fight (well, argue anyway) for what the people who sent them there want.


There would be compromises, there would be 'alignments' and not everybody would always get everything they wanted, but in general. the representatives would get what their people wanted, because if they didn't, they'd soon be out of a job.


There would be mistakes. Many mistakes. Th representatives would not be skilled politicians and even were they to come up with a consensus of what their constituencies wanted, that might not be the best thing for the whole country in the long term.


Tough titty!


The Country would be being governed by (the representatives of) the people for the people.


Yes they would make mistakes! - People do make mistakes.


Why would those members make more mistakes than do members of political parties?


The Political parties would probably tell you (politely, if you're lucky) that: "You - the people - are too stupid to know what's best for you. Any attempt you might make to govern yourselves is doomed to failure. You will only succeed if you are governed by your lords and masters, who are far smarter than you are and who know far better."


Really? Who are these ultra-smart people? Are they not human beings just like you? Do they not live amongst you? (Or do you live in an area where the local people are so thick that 'the party' has to provide somebody to think for you?)


These MPs that the party will provide: They're really smart people, aren't they?


I wonder how many people on this forum could fill in an expense form?

I wonder how many people on this forum know the difference between 'Right' and 'Wrong'?


Many of your MPs - the people chosen for you by the party because they think you are too stupid to rule yourselves - couldn't fill in an expense form. They don't (it would appear) know the difference between 'right' and 'wrong' - but they're more suited to rule you than you are yourselves?


Are you going to elect the same idiots again?


Or is there a chance - just an outside chance- that some of the people might decide that they would like to send somebody to Parliament who would listen to their needs and wishes, represent those needs and wishes and consider them when negotiating with others?


Surely it's time to scrap the party political system and replace it with a representative system whereby the people can send people to Westminster who are prepared to represent their interests, rather than those of an unelected political monster.

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