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Obama for Prime Minister?

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as above Obama was born in Hawaii, not Kenya. This makes him a 'natural-born' US citizen, which is one of the three things Presidents have to be according to the constitution. The other two are over 35 years of age, and resident in the United States for 14 years.

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Obama was born in Hawaii, a US state. The only people who make ridiculous claims that he was born outside of the US or that he is a secret Muslim are the idot Republicans.


I doubt he's want to take on the job of British PM even if he was eligible to.


We could happily send you Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly or even Sarah Palin, also John Boehner leader of the Senate Republican minority or my district Congressman David Dreir


Take your pick :hihi:

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As Barack Obama was born in Kenya in 1961... and therefore born a British citizen .. after he has been impeached in the USA... should we invite him to try his luck as Prime Minister in the UK? After all he seems all the prerequisites

such as honesty...integrity :roll:




I'd back him all the way, I don't think he's put a foot wrong so far but for some reason the Americans hate him.

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First off, think about it. Rush Limbaugh has tons of money. If he thought for a second that Obama was really born in Kenya and therefore, did not meet the requirement that the president be a natural born citizen, don't you think he would use some of that money to prove it? It would be the scoop of the century!


Second, why would you want Obama for Prime Minister? If his socialist leanings are anything to go on, you would end up with pretty much what you already have under Labour.

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as above Obama was born in Hawaii, not Kenya. This makes him a 'natural-born' US citizen, which is one of the three things Presidents have to be according to the constitution. The other two are over 35 years of age, and resident in the United States for 14 years.


Had he been born in Sheffield (but with a US parent) would that have made him (somehow) 'un-natural'?


Obama was born in Hawaii, a US state. The only people who make ridiculous claims that he was born outside of the US or that he is a secret Muslim are the idot Republicans.


Again, he could've been born outside the US ... or are you prepared to argue that the sons of US servicemen born while their parents are serving overseas should be denied their birthright?



We could happily send you Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly or even Sarah Palin, also John Boehner leader of the Senate Republican minority or my district Congressman David Dreir


Take your pick :hihi:


Go for it! Please! - But don't send them to the UK, send them to Afghanistan ... I'm surethey'd go down really well there. :hihi::hihi:

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