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Obama for Prime Minister?

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First off, think about it. Rush Limbaugh has tons of money. If he thought for a second that Obama was really born in Kenya and therefore, did not meet the requirement that the president be a natural born citizen, don't you think he would use some of that money to prove it? It would be the scoop of the century!


Second, why would you want Obama for Prime Minister? If his socialist leanings are anything to go on, you would end up with pretty much what you already have under Labour.


Every so often you pop up calling Obama a socialist. Have you any idea what the word means? I know that for many Bible-bashing Americans, anything to the left of, as the expression goes, Ghengis Khan is a socialist. You haven't got a clue, have you?


As an aside, I always thought that poor old Ghengis was a bit maligned by this expression, as he do have some enlighted attitudes to culture and governance.

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I dont think Obama is a socialist in the European sense of the word. The Democrat party compared to the UK Labour party is still pretty right wing from the latter.


Obama has been labeled a Socialist by those who oppose his health plan which I see as just the usual Republican way of labeling FDR the same for the Social Security Act and Lyndon Johnson for the Medicare plan.


The American right lable any politician who attempts to do things that help the poorer elements of American society as a socialist. And lets face it, the Americans have a lot of very poor people.

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The American right lable any politician who attempts to do things that help the poorer elements of American society as a socialist. And lets face it, the Americans have a lot of very poor people.


I was reading somewhere that Franklin Delano Roosevelt was accused of being a communist because he passed the Social Security act during the early 1930s


Even to this day the right wing elements of the Republican party still rant on about his New Deal programs


I'm not for a total welfare state where people who can work manage to abuse the system at the expense of others but there are people who fall on hard times through no fault of their own and become poor as a result and a helping hand to get them back on their feet or providing them with health coverage for themselves and their kids isn't socialism. It's what I call common decency

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Every so often you pop up calling Obama a socialist. Have you any idea what the word means? I know that for many Bible-bashing Americans, anything to the left of, as the expression goes, Ghengis Khan is a socialist. You haven't got a clue, have you?


As an aside, I always thought that poor old Ghengis was a bit maligned by this expression, as he do have some enlighted attitudes to culture and governance.


Yes he did. However he had the rather bad habit of slaughtering everybody, including women and children who would not immediately surrender their towns and cities to him

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Obama for Prime Minister:huh:..now let me think , what questions would I have for him....


First off I would like to know who financed your Ivy league education, well not just one Ivy league school but two ?


Have you every had any Military experience ?


How many radical extremist have you associated yourself with that you refuse to public denounce ?


How much more wild irresponsible spending do you plan on continuing to do ?


Have you ever run a buisness or had to meet a payroll ?


Which country did you spend your formative you growing up in ?


Why do you lack class always blaming others ?


What will you do when other countries refuse to keep on handing you money ?


Do you think your children and Grandchildren will have any problems having to pay back all these loans like ours will ?


Why do you want to controll my health care plan that I'm quite satisfied paying without asking me ?


How long do you plan on continuing to extort certain banks and corporations ?


How much of the tax payers money had been spent so far flying your wife children and their friends around on Air Force One ?



Well that would be just for starters...I'm off to work now, good luck :hihi:

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