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Obama for Prime Minister?

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He's jumped aboard Sarah Palin's Tea Party politics.

Talking of Tea Parties I have a few questions for our next Presidential candidate in 2012.


What's your preference in tea?

Earl Grey, Lipton or healthy Green? Uh oh! Bad question. Green tea is Chinese. Dont want any of that commie rubbish at our parties


Okay! You've said you can see Russia from your back yard on a clear day? What other foreign policy experience have you had?


Apart from once being governor of Alaska (Which is a stinky rich oil state with a population of only 500,000 and which even Benny Hill could govern successfully) what other US government experience have you had?


What military experience have you had? Yes we know you were once a cheerleader for your high school football team and jumped up and down in time to the high school band but that doesn't count.... sorry!


How would you have dealt with the economic situation as it was in January 2009 when major financial institutions were going down along with such giants as General Motors and Chrysler and millions of employees were in danger of being laid off?


Do you care that millions of less forunates have no health plan and that thousands of others have had their plans cancelled because of developing a certain illness that the insurance companies say it was too expensive to go on paying for?


Sorry Sarah! Your answer that "a week up in Alaska's fresh air, huntin' fishin' and shootin' would make em better again" is completely wrong


Why do you keep rapping on about "our Christian religion" being part of our culture when you know that firstly the American Founding Fathers stipulated in the Constitution that "there shall be no establishment of a national religion" and secondly that over the past sixty years America has become a multi cultural society of 300 million people?


Why do you criticise the current administration yet offer no alternative solutions to the serious problems at hand?


And lastly, Why do you always address meetings in that artificial folksy How y'all doin"

irritating manner of speaking?

Edited by Harleyman
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I was reading somewhere that Franklin Delano Roosevelt was accused of being a communist because he passed the Social Security act during the early 1930s


Even to this day the right wing elements of the Republican party still rant on about his New Deal programs


I'm not for a total welfare state where people who can work manage to abuse the system at the expense of others but there are people who fall on hard times through no fault of their own and become poor as a result and a helping hand to get them back on their feet or providing them with health coverage for themselves and their kids isn't socialism. It's what I call common decency


Quite. There are elements of the Neo-Con right on both sides of the Atlantic who see any kind of state welfare as socialism. They'd see the workhouse as a step too far, I suspect.

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Yes he did. However he had the rather bad habit of slaughtering everybody, including women and children who would not immediately surrender their towns and cities to him


Fair point, but you have to see that in the context of that point in time, when habitual slaughter was happening all over Europe and the Middle East as well.

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  • 6 years later...
As Barack Obama was born in Kenya in 1961... and therefore born a British citizen .. after he has been impeached in the USA... should we invite him to try his luck as Prime Minister in the UK? After all he seems all the prerequisites

such as honesty...integrity :roll:



A recent suggestion has been that it should be Michelle Obama for Prime Minister with enormous support over here. We know of course it can never happen, but she is immensely popular all the same. Lots of people promising to emigrate to UK if it does. Lots of room, Eh.
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A recent suggestion has been that it should be Michelle Obama for Prime Minister with enormous support over here. We know of course it can never happen, but she is immensely popular all the same. Lots of people promising to emigrate to UK if it does. Lots of room, Eh.


I will never understand the way politics in the US works. Why does being the spouse or offspring of a president give you the skills and qualities needed to be a future president yourself? All that Michelle Obama has done is look pretty in nice dresses while her husband attended social functions.

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Islam defines religious status patrilineally. If one's father was, one is too.

Cf Judaism (matrilineal).


In neither case can one 'opt-out' of that innate status no matter what one believes or does.


but does that innate status matter really matter?


and why should that stop anyone from being prime minister?

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