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Cat owners should be more responsible.

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It's us that's the problem, not the kitty called socks from three doors up.





We humans (through force and overbreeding) might be the dominant species but we are sadly also the filthiest animals around..


We throw rubbish into our own gardens, other people's gardens, the streets and the land... we pollute the water, the soil and even our own air...


We have affected the natural balance more than any other creature whether they be wild or tame...


I feel sorry for those who sound off on here about what they'd like to do to a cat for carrying out its natural business in THEIR garden....


Considering the amount of 5hit we humans dump daily I would say "get a reality check"...


I genuinely hope falpere you find a nice natural solution that keeps you and the cat both happy and healthy so you can both coexist in what really is a small world that we all share....

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I have a cat and unfortunately it will take a dump where it sees fit :(


I do have a litter tray but when he is out i cannot follow him about to clear his **** up.

It it crapped in my neighbours garden though i would have no problem with him flinging it over the fence or putting it in a bag and bringing it round for me to dispose off :)

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All animal owners should take full responsibility of their pets and not allow them to trespass or infrindge the enjoyment of other people and their properties. Both dog and cat owners do not realise how dangerious excriment can be to humans which can cause blood poisening.


You might think a cat is a clean creature, but they build up toxins on their teeth and claws fromt he wild animals they have killed. Cats are also carriers of diseases picked up from the vermin they kill. Thats how the great plague was spread to humans.

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All animal owners should take full responsibility of their pets and not allow them to trespass or infrindge the enjoyment of other people and their properties. Both dog and cat owners do not realise how dangerious excriment can be to humans which can cause blood poisening.


You might think a cat is a clean creature, but they build up toxins on their teeth and claws fromt he wild animals they have killed. Cats are also carriers of diseases picked up from the vermin they kill. Thats how the great plague was spread to humans.



Get a life!


'Excriment' has killed nobody. Not never.


Cat poop is nasty, as is dog poop ... but both have been around (and been prevalent in human society) for thousands of years.


In England, people have learned to live with them over very many years.


If you genuinely believe that cat and dog poop pose a significant threat to the people who live in England in the 21st century, please carry out a study (at your own expense) and publish the results.


You aren't obliged to eat it, you know.

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Get a life!


'Excriment' has killed nobody. Not never.


Cat poop is nasty, as is dog poop ... but both have been around (and been prevalent in human society) for thousands of years.


In England, people have learned to live with them over very many years.


If you genuinely believe that cat and dog poop pose a significant threat to the people who live in England in the 21st century, please carry out a study (at your own expense) and publish the results.


You aren't obliged to eat it, you know.



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My next door neighbour doesn't own any cats but does feed all the neighbourhood cats - there must be at least 6 or 7 that visit everyday. They tend to arrive/leave via my garden and leave a nasty faecal deposit on their way.


The cats chase/kill the birds and last summer one black varmint must have had at least 6 birds to my knowledge.


Cat owners should by law have to weigh the cats down with a very heavy bell that tolls loudly when the cats move, and should be so heavy they can't leap up and catch birds. This would also help restrain them to their own locale.

Alternatively all cats should be kept as house cats. Owner's choice.

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I love cats, in fact the neighbour next door have 4 and they keep pooing all over our yard, despite having litter trays. I know they have trays because they leave the bag of poo outside the door each morning.


I'm not really that bothered to be honest, cats are cats. Whether people owned them or not there would still be cat poo everywhere.


What does get on my wires is next doors two yapper dogs which bark constantly when they aren't in. It's got the the point where i creep round my house because the slight tap of a cup on the kitchen side sets them off for hours.


I for one can't wait for them to move out.

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Seriously though. How on earth could I be held responsible for injury to any cat, caused by being on my property? :huh:


I don't believe you can. It's her problem. I can appreciate when being confronted it's the easiest thing to just clam up and say 'yessir, no sir', but you were in the right and should've told the nosey cow to do one and sort her cat cr@p out.

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