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Cat owners should be more responsible.

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Owning cats should be phased out and made illegal.

I've just about made my garden cat proof now, the dog clears up any stragglers.

I'll be honest, if i see a cat crapping in my garden i regard it as fair game and will use any means possible short of poisoning it to make sure it's not welcome.


I just don't get the whole cat thing, surely if you buy a pet, you buy it to be there, around you, as with a dog, not a part time companion like they are.


It's fine saying "cats are cats, they'll go where they like" but i find that irresponsible, put it this way, what if your cat gets hit by a car and injured, is that responsible pet ownership, not in my book it isn't.


If you want a pet get a proper one, one that resides with you, not a lodger, alternatively watch the wildlife outta your window.


Sorry, but i hate cats and how their owners avoid any responsibility for their actions.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Owning cats should be phased out and made illegal.

I've just about made my garden cat proof now, the dog clears up any stragglers.

I'll be honest, if i see a cat crapping in my garden i regard it as fair game and will use any means possible short of poisoning it to make sure it's not welcome.


I just don't get the whole cat thing, surely if you buy a pet, you buy it to be there, around you, as with a dog, not a part time companion like they are.


It's fine saying "cats are cats, they'll go where they like" but i find that irresponsible, put it this way, what if your cat gets hit by a car and injured, is that responsible pet ownership, not in my book it isn't.


If you want a pet get a proper one, one that resides with you, not a lodger, alternatively watch the wildlife outta your window.


Sorry, but i hate cats and how their owners avoid any responsibility for their actions.


Excuse me but not everybodies cats are part time companions. So really you can't say that ALL cats be phased out. Both of my cats follow me around like dogs and only go out for about an hour a day, and thats only the back garden. I take responsibility for them at all times. Also, it's cruel to keep an animal indoors all it's life, just because selfish morons complain about abit of cat poo in their garden.



I know, how about phasing out dog ownership because owners let there dogs crap all over the pavements, parks and grass verges, never mind them weeing against everything they can see. Thought not!!.

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I'm not sure that they are classed as vermin in the UK or Lincolnshire Rupert, 'but they sure is a nuisance pardner!'


I have heard that cat mess can cause blindness in young children though. :mad:


Toxicara canis and toxicara cati, dogs and cats mess can cause the problem

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  • 7 months later...

OK.................I'll post on this thread instead!


I don't care if cats are wild animals, they shouldn't be free to roam at will and crap wherever they want to. No other animal gets away with this!


Dog owners pick up after their dogs, cat owners should do the same!


Personally I can't see why anyone would want a cat as a pet anyway.

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OK.................I'll post on this thread instead!


I don't care if cats are wild animals, they shouldn't be free to roam at will and crap wherever they want to. No other animal gets away with this!

Dog owners pick up after their dogs, cat owners should do the same!


Personally I can't see why anyone would want a cat as a pet anyway.


All wild animals get away with this, I don't see nappy wearing hedgehogs very often.

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I absolutely hate cats and my neighbour owns one of these beasts.


the neighbours cat jumped onto my car bonnet.


I came to the car and the cat was sat on my car bonnet - the cat looked at me as if it was saying "er....mornin guv"


The little twerp continued to look at me as I got into the car, so I beeped the car horn, and you should have seen the cat run. :hihi:

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I absolutely hate cats and my neighbour owns one of these beasts.


the neighbours cat jumped onto my car bonnet.


I came to the car and the cat was sat on my car bonnet - the cat looked at me as if it was saying "er....mornin guv"


The little twerp continued to look at me as I got into the car, so I beeped the car horn, and you should have seen the cat run. :hihi:


So think it's ok to scare the living daylights out of a living creature, the cat was clearly very friendly and it could have run into the road and died a horrible death:roll::roll:



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So think it's ok to scare the living daylights out of a living creature, the cat was clearly very friendly and it could have run into the road and died a horrible death:roll::roll:




I have noticed that you have a small amount of protection on this forum, factor in you being of a certain age, your liking of cats, your post count per day and statements like the above I'd say it wont be long before you get a moderators invite through the post :roll:

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