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Cat owners should be more responsible.

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So think it's ok to scare the living daylights out of a living creature, the cat was clearly very friendly and it could have run into the road and died a horrible death:roll::roll:






Yes and if that had happend, the cat would probably scratched my car bonnet with its claws as it attempted to flee.


A horrible death for the cat, and a horrible bill for me.


So nobody wins, thats why cats need to be kept under control.


The neighbours cat is at this moment sat on my wall (not its own wall), aimlessly looking at people going past

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I have noticed that you have a small amount of protection on this forum, factor in you being of a certain age, your liking of cats, your post count per day and statements like the above I'd say it wont be long before you get a moderators invite through the post :roll:


I have no desire to be a moderator but fail to see why cat haters keep raking up the same old thing but don't give second thought to all the other crap that is deposited by man and other animals, particularly discarded used needles dumped by junkies. I fail to see what my age has to do with it

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Yes and if that had happend, the cat would probably scratched my car bonnet with its claws as it attempted to flee.


A horrible death for the cat, and a horrible bill for me.


So nobody wins, thats why cats need to be kept under control.


The neighbours cat is at this moment sat on my wall (not its own wall), aimlessly looking at people going past


You said it shot off when you sounded your horn, it could have run into road. OMG cat sat on YOUR wall watching people going past , give it an ASBO:hihi::hihi:

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I don't want the cat on my wall, why can't it sit on its own wall? :rant::rant:


If you really have nothing bigger to get angry about in this world then you're doing just fine.


Heaven alone knows what you'd do to a pigeon that had the temerity to poo on your car!

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Cats used to use my garden as a toilet for ags. It drove me mad when the missus was pregnant and the kids were young. Always having to do poop patrol before anyone could go out. It was stupid.

So i got a big dog and after an altercation between my dog and a local cat i havent had so much as a pebble **** from the arse of feline in years.

The kids love having a dog to play with too.

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All wild animals get away with this, I don't see nappy wearing hedgehogs very often.


Thats funny.......

Heres a thought to all you cat haters......

Try getting a life.....reading......going to the pub.....having a meal......watching tv,anything that actually helps you live a little......If thats all you have to drone on about you must live life to the full.....NOT......:roll:

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If you really have nothing bigger to get angry about in this world then you're doing just fine.


Heaven alone knows what you'd do to a pigeon that had the temerity to poo on your car!


:hihi::hihi::hihi:We once went to Bridlington with my neighbour and her partner and a seagull splatted right in middle of his forehead, it was a pearler of a shot and we all had hysterics. It's a good job cows can't fly:hihi::hihi:

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I don't want the cat on my wall, why can't it sit on its own wall? :rant::rant:


Get a life, for crying out loud - what harm is it doing sitting on your wall:hihi::hihi: If you need something to do join a neighbourhood group and rid us of all the unwanted used needles dropped by the so called most intelligent species on earth:D:D:love:

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