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Cat owners should be more responsible.

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Problems can arise when cats are attracted to neighbours' gardens. However it is important to remember that cats are free to roam. They are protected by law and it is an offence to cause unnecessary suffering to a cat or to steal one. It is also an offence to put down snares, poison or an unlicensed deterrent.


In attempting to prevent cats from entering a garden, it’s important to make sure that any deterrent methods you use are non-harmful and don’t cause pain, suffering or distress.


Some tips that have been suggested include the use of prickly plants and ground cover plants or the watering of flowerbeds, as cats don't like wet earth. These may be effective deterrents.


There are also a variety of approved chemical repellent products on the market. If you decide to use a chemical product, make sure it is a licensed product and read the instructions carefully.


Note: When trying to deter cats, it is illegal to use substances such as creosote, anti-freeze, bleaching or cleaning agents, diesel oil, coal tar soap, peppermint oil, citrus oil or eucalyptus oil.


Ultrasonic deterrents have been developed as a way of keeping cats out of gardens, however there is no evidence to suggest that they are effective. Courtesy of the RSPCA.

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I have no desire to be a moderator but fail to see why cat haters keep raking up the same old thing but don't give second thought to all the other crap that is deposited by man and other animals, particularly discarded used needles dumped by junkies. I fail to see what my age has to do with it


No pun intended? :D It's because the cats keep leaving it there...


Aside from that, I didn't know citrus and peppermint oil were illegal deterrents. I have to be really careful what I use as I'm trying to grow vegetables. I'll have to put more effort into the cat defences next year.


I find it hard to understand why cat owners can't see that cat poo is unpleasant to have around your garden, and why others have a problem with it.

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No pun intended? :D It's because the cats keep leaving it there...


Aside from that, I didn't know citrus and peppermint oil were illegal deterrents. I have to be really careful what I use as I'm trying to grow vegetables. I'll have to put more effort into the cat defences next year.


I find it hard to understand why cat owners can't see that cat poo is unpleasant to have around your garden, and why others have a problem with it.


We are not denying that it is not nice but cats usually bury it and short of keeping them in or following them to see where they go to plant a parcel what else can be done? Obviously cat owners are in same boat as other peoples cats come into their gardens. Dog's c**p on pavement and usually in full sight of owner and other people but no-one says to them are you going to clean that up. I have a cat, yes, and I also had a dog and I cleaned up after him for 16 years. I miss him so much even after 18 months. Then theres discarded used needles left by junkies and all the other human waste left on our streets by so called civilised species

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Revenge will be sweet.


My sister is coming round with her 6 year old son.


I have the choice of 2 weapons for the boy


1) a pea shooter with peas




2) a water splatch gun (with a firing range of 30 meters)


So if the cat wants to take its chances, sitting on the wall (my wall) with a "morning guv" look on its face - let the games begin when the boy arrives

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Revenge will be sweet.


My sister is coming round with her 6 year old son.


I have the choice of 2 weapons for the boy


1) a pea shooter with peas




2) a water splatch gun (with a firing range of 30 meters)


So if the cat wants to take its chances, sitting on the wall (my wall) with a "morning guv" look on its face - let the games begin when the boy arrives


What a good role model he has in you - you are going to let him loose with a dangerous weapon on a defenceless animal, I hope the mods who are in the animal defence league are watching. It's sitting on your wall for crying out loud, have you not got anything better to do?

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People keep going on about how cats are "free to roam" and "wild animals.............bla, bla, bla!!!


Surely this makes them less than ideal pets doesn't it??


I'm getting a dog as soon as possible, when it comes running into the house with one of the neighbours cats in it's mouth I'm going to say....."well my dog is just a wild animal, it's doing what comes natural!


See hou they like that excuse!

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How stupid!!


I don't see people with hedgehog flaps on their back doors either!!


Ooh stupid am I, my heart breaks :hihi:


Perhaps we should train cats to leave little colour coded flags where they poo so that the owners can come around later and sort it out.

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We are not denying that it is not nice but cats usually bury it and short of keeping them in or following them to see where they go to plant a parcel what else can be done? Obviously cat owners are in same boat as other peoples cats come into their gardens. Dog's c**p on pavement and usually in full sight of owner and other people but no-one says to them are you going to clean that up. I have a cat, yes, and I also had a dog and I cleaned up after him for 16 years. I miss him so much even after 18 months. Then theres discarded used needles left by junkies and all the other human waste left on our streets by so called civilised species


My bold. They really don't. Although I've been told they bury it in their own territory, and leave it more as a 'calling card' in other territories.


I agree with you about the dog poo.


PS since when has a water pistol been a dangerous weapon?

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My bold. They really don't. Although I've been told they bury it in their own territory, and leave it more as a 'calling card' in other territories.


I agree with you about the dog poo.


PS since when has a water pistol been a dangerous weapon?


a water splatch gun (with a firing range of 30 meters)


Is this a childs toy? No at close range it could do serious damage to a small animal or even a child, you are telling a child to fire at a defenceless animal and then criticise other adults for being irresponsible. What kind of example is that exactly?:roll:

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