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Cat owners should be more responsible.

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I've tried them all.....None of them work!


I am getting a dog after Christmas though. I don't think we will have much cat trouble after I get my Greman Shephead.


Good luck to you, and believe me, I totally share your frustration with my neighbor's cats using my yard as a litter box.


Also, nothing like stepping out my front door and finding the small courtyard in front of my house smells like cat wee. Or they spray the front door, the back door, or the patio furniture so that we're forced to wash it before we use it.


A heads up on your dog. Dogs LOVE to eat cat poop! Love. It. The vet told me I'd never break our elderly dog of this habit. Apparently cat feces is way high in protein and dogs actually consider it a 'treat'. The last damn straw is our dog getting sick from eating it and the resulting vet bill. To try and prevent this, I'm on permanent kitty poop patrol. And I don't own a cat. :roll:


Although I suppose we have it better than my neighbor who owns three indoor cats. The cats who roam know her cats are in there and she cleans sprayed windows and doors and poop daily. That is no way to live.


And thank God the one time they sprayed my car when I left it outside, all the windows were shut tight. Ever try to get cat pee smell out of something? Removing skunk smell is easier.


I know which cats are doing the damage and they're very sweet, friendly and waaay too trusting of people. I've mentioned this to the cat's owner and I get the same "cats are allowed to roam" crap. God help me, I would never harm someone's pet, but what happens when someone who's had enough gets ahold of one of those cats? I hate to think.

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  • 10 months later...

I'm somewhat fed up with cats messing up my newly-laid lawn although I do wish them no harm.


Have come to the conclusion there is only one solution and that is to get a solar-powered robot with a water pistol to safely fire a water pistol at any cats trespassing.


He'd have to be able to distinguish between cats, of which we have many visitors and other wild animals & birds.

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  • 1 month later...
I read in the news today about how experts reckon 350,000 Britons a year are becoming infected with toxoplasmosis, a thousand new cases a day. I'm not sure if it can be spread by other means but it is a very high number.


so that's 350,000 Britons who are seemingly not looking to use hygienic practices around the risks of infection, such as washing raw meat, and ensuring it's cooked properly... folk not washing fruit and veg before eating it, and ensuring that hands are washed adequately.


Are folk ensuring that (particularly women who are pregnant) are careful about handling cat poo/ cleaning cat litter trays out? (pregnant women are best not coming into contact with cat faeces, and anyone else should use rubber gloves when cleaning out cat lit trays.


Surely, when it comes to hygiene, and control of diseases, the solution is in the hands of the people exposed to the germs. If folk washed their hands properly, then the risk of contracting something like toxoplasmosis is extremely low to nil.


I actually find the dirty human beings who leave their Dog-mess piles all over the streets, locally, to be far more repugnant than the buried poo from cats.

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so that's 350,000 Britons who are seemingly not looking to use hygienic practices around the risks of infection, such as washing raw meat, and ensuring it's cooked properly... folk not washing fruit and veg before eating it, and ensuring that hands are washed adequately.


Are folk ensuring that (particularly women who are pregnant) are careful about handling cat poo/ cleaning cat litter trays out? (pregnant women are best not coming into contact with cat faeces, and anyone else should use rubber gloves when cleaning out cat lit trays.


Surely, when it comes to hygiene, and control of diseases, the solution is in the hands of the people exposed to the germs. If folk washed their hands properly, then the risk of contracting something like toxoplasmosis is extremely low to nil.


I actually find the dirty human beings who leave their Dog-mess piles all over the streets, locally, to be far more repugnant than the buried poo from cats.


Spoken like a true cat lover.

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Spoken like a true cat lover.


I am indeed "owned by cats", but I own a dog, too, and I do not leave her poo in the street to affect other people, whether it's treading it into the house (ugh!) or, like a former neighbour of mine, leaving the poo of their Alsatian dog (which may just have been crossed with an elephant, judging on the size of the Richard the thirds it left) on our path, to be collected on wheelchair wheels and, as a result, on hands propelling the chair.


I clean up after my dog... And if I can clean up after her, from my wheelchair, then there's no reason why anyone else needs to leave their dog muck behind.

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I am indeed "owned by cats", but I own a dog, too, and I do not leave her poo in the street to affect other people, whether it's treading it into the house (ugh!) or, like a former neighbour of mine, leaving the poo of their Alsatian dog (which may just have been crossed with an elephant, judging on the size of the Richard the thirds it left) on our path, to be collected on wheelchair wheels and, as a result, on hands propelling the chair.


I clean up after my dog... And if I can clean up after her, from my wheelchair, then there's no reason why anyone else needs to leave their dog muck behind.


Me too hun :love:

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Well I can say that woman was a cheeky cow. I would tell her that it was my garden and to keep her nose out.


To be fair like you said you were gonna clean up the glass anyway, but if youw wanted to leave it then you can because its your property. Honest the gall of some people.


We have 4 cats and they do go outside to do their bits and bobs but they do most of it in our garden lol. I agree its bad when cats do come into your garden and do it in your bedding plants and then all the hard work has gone to waste.


Lots of people spend a lot of money on their gardens and its their pride and joy, but people just want a nice garden without smelling of cat poo, which is horrid at the best of times.


Unfortunately, cats are just a fact of life and roam wherever they want to go and come back home when the want to. I have had decappiated pigeons on my living room rug with all their innards hanging out and most recently a vole.


I hate it when my cats do this because I things its horrid. You may be able to tell Im a animal lover. My parents live out in the country and they live on one of the big stately homes in their houses. My dad was telling me yesterday that the estate kills cats which are feral as they cause problems.


Back to the point, sorry for going on so much. You can buy stuff from the shops which deter cats from doing their bits and bobs on your garden.


The only way that this problem will be solved by people is if they start to take their cats out on a lead like we do dogs. I love my cats and would never want them harmed or coming back home with a cut paw, as the vet bills would be big.


I can understand where you are coming from and I totally agree with your senitments about your neighbour too. She didnt go about it the right way at all.


Until someone comes up with a fantastic idea to stop cats ruining peoples gardens with their poo and wee, then Im afraid its a case of having to put up with it.


Why not try the internet to see if there are any organic treatments you can put down on your garden to stop them doing their business on your garden.


I have a friend who had her cat poisioned by her horrid neighbour for the same reasons and it broke her heart.

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Yes you have a good point falpere.. I bet you was struggling to contain yourself when you clicked on what she actually did.. Though for her coming to your house to complain about your garden I think you should mention to her about her cat.

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The only way that this problem will be solved by people is if they start to take their cats out on a lead like we do dogs.


Hit the nail on the head there! I've always thought cats should be kept on leads, just like dogs.

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