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Cat owners should be more responsible.

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Cats are not pets, they are wild animals. Unlike dogs they don't rely on their owners for food, shelter or company. They take all 3 if & when it's convenient. If they could turn door handles & use a can opener they'd never need humans for anything!


That isn't true at all. If you stopped feeding a domesticated cat they'd soon die of starvation, just like a domesticated dog. They never learn to feed themselves.


Conversely, a wild dog (coyote, wolf whatever) and a wild cat are both perfectly capable of looking after themselves, otherwise they wouldn't exist.

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Take a few minutes and read through the acts that are there to protect animals. You'll find that CATS are specifically named [no, not Flossie and Blackie before you say it] and are protected.

If you feel that you need to harm a cat, I'm sure that a magistrate's court or your solicitor would explain to you about 'reasonable cause'.


It's not the cats who are at fault - it's the owners who do not want to take responsibility for training the animals. My garden is full of the neighbours cat poo, but at least they don't send their kids over to use my toilet as a garden as well.

I'm getting a sabre toothed tiger s[or equivalent] in the near future to deter other animals - and building a 6' fence around my property to keep my own pet within boundaries. In the meantime the furry visitors continue to sneak through the gaps in the boundary fence - and I never catch them in the act, otherwise they'd be in the wheelie bin to avoid scratches and bites and taken back to their own address [intact]


I didn't suggest that I had any need to harm a cat, I was merely responding to the quoted bit of legislation and speculating on what "reasonable cause" might be.


It appears that cats are considered to be property, and harming one would be criminal damage. I'm no closer to finding out what might be considered reasonable cause though.


Interestingly that specifically covers poison and drugging of the animal. If it were killed humanely then only criminal damage would apply.


Also, it's illegal to use your dog to draw a cart or barrow on the public road. Which is nice to know.

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If a dog owner can be fined for letting a dog foul the pavement,park,etc, Then something should be done to make cat owners responsible when they foul peoples gardens,destroy plants,etc. Never all that "cats are free agents" Its a cop out! cats are pets for lazy people with no respect for other peoples property. Get a lead on them,walk them and clear up the mess!


As an owner of two cats i think i may regret stumbling upon this thread but i hasve to disagree with that!

Not only that but next door but one's cat seems to come and go through our cat flap as it pleases and i have informed my partner that the next time it does i won't be held responsible for my actions. I've also informed my neighbour (who has a dog) that if our cats do go on his garden it's the cats own stupid fault!

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Not sure I'd like to live in your home if you've got those sorts of things hanging around! How old is that list?


Lord knows - I just hijacked the full list off a site on the intranet.

The only liquid I have from the list is alcohol. Does wine count?

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I have just had six new windows fitted to the rear of my house. The fitters knocked out the old windows and in the process smashed several panes. They did a decent job of clearing up after themselves, but there was still a fair amount of broken glass left behind.


The woman next door was quick to notice this and wasted no time in knocking on my door to let me know about it: "I hope you are going to get rid of that glass!" she said. "We all own cats round here you know, and I'm sure you don't want to have to pay the vets bills for any cut paws".


It just so happened that I was about to clear it up anyway, as I wouldn't want the kids to cut themselves on it, never mind her cat! I nearly said as much, but owt for a quiet life, I bit my lip, and told her that she could consider it done.


It wasn't until later on that I realised what had happened. I had greed to clear broken glass from MY property so that her cat wouldn't come to any harm!!


She shouldn't allow her cat on My property! The amount of cat poop that I have to deal with in my boarders is wrong! and one of the little blighters has scared a pair of nesting blackbirds from our black bamboo tree.


I'm sure that if I let our Labradoodle run riot on her garden, the balloon would go up, but I don't. So what's the difference? :(


cats do wander. It is difficult to keep them off your garden.

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