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Cat owners should be more responsible.

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My garden isn't all that precious to me vwkittie, but my children, who play in my garden, are. Get the picture? ;)


And what harm are the cats doing to the kids exactly? The children could be out and about in the countryside and come across plenty of poo, after all, does a bear s**t in the woods?!

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And what harm are the cats doing to the kids exactly? The children could be out and about in the countryside and come across plenty of poo, after all, does a bear s**t in the woods?!


I'm glad you asked.:)


There is a chemical in cat mess that can cause blindness in young children.


Most young children enjoy 'helping' Mum and Dad in the garden. You know, digging holes in the boarders to plant new flowers and the like.


I will leave the rest for you to work out.

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The argument about being 'wild animals' is bogus though, they are considered to be property and thus offered some protection under the law, but equally their owners are responsible for any damage they do.


You'd be thinking about toxiplasmosis, it's a disease caused by a parasite that can be carried by cats and can infect humans (and cause blindness amongst other things).

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I'm not sure about 'without ill effect', there are measurable behavioural changes when large samples are studied.

I think most people would be happier in themselves if they were sure they were not carrying a brain chemistry and thus behaviour altering parasite.

And thus it's a good argument against letting cats crap where they like, particularly in areas where children are likely to play.

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Before we got our cats we had that problem so we bought a cat scarer which worked a treat. It was sonic and emitted a noise that only the cats could hear. We used to watch cats actually walk around the perimiter of "noise" which also extended into our neighbours garden. With the arrival of Tigs and Soxs we had to do away with the scarer so it's back to cleaning the poo up.


Where did you get this fantastic sonic cat scarer???????!!!!!!:o

That sounds fab! We've that rubbish cat deterrent, and it was, errr c**p, so to speak. Are they expensive? Cheers!!!!!!!! :D

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Where did you get this fantastic sonic cat scarer???????!!!!!!:o

That sounds fab! We've that rubbish cat deterrent, and it was, errr c**p, so to speak. Are they expensive? Cheers!!!!!!!! :D


My mums neighbours have one and I can hear it, it's awful.


The cats seem to ignore it, however.:hihi:

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You are so wrong every cat we have had have been hunters, we have had cats in South Yorkshire/ West Yorkshire in an urban enviroment and now in Inverness in a rural enviroment. You live with the cat it does not live with you.


As regards vermin not at all they keep the vermin under control. As regards to your statement that "If you stopped feeding a domesticated cat they would soon die" you know nothing about cats, and they have learnt to feed themselves.

My cat now is a cross with a wild cat, but over 30 years all our cats have the survival instinct.

It would appear you do not know much about a cats nature and instinct.


Yes indeed our cats have caught many rodents and birds but have you ever seen them eat them? I have even tried putting the rodents in their food bowls. Not much seems to happen. Furthermore, the cats that I have witnessed in my life that have escaped and got lost have been completely unable to feed themselves - they were found several days later looking barely alive.


It would appear you do not know much about a cats nature and instinct. you know nothing about cats. You are so wrong.

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We had this problem, resolved by fitting a 'Pet Porte' cat flap. It scans your cat's microchip and will only allow your own cat inside. It can be programmed for more than one cat too. Not cheap but ours has paid for itself in reduced food bills already!


We still have the problem of the little buggers spraying outside though but I just keep running after them like a loony as my cats are complete useless wusses :roll:


Mine too. They both run upstairs and hide or dart in the living room.

I've heard of the magnet ones but not the Microchip ones! I'll have to look into that!

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The argument about being 'wild animals' is bogus though, they are considered to be property and thus offered some protection under the law, but equally their owners are responsible for any damage they do.


You'd be thinking about toxiplasmosis, it's a disease caused by a parasite that can be carried by cats and can infect humans (and cause blindness amongst other things).


Of course it’s bogus Cyclone, It’s just a weak excuse used by cat owners to exonerate themselves of any responsibility for their pets behaviour. A license is required to keep any wild animal in captivity. How many cat owners have a licence for their cat?


Yes, toxoplasmosis is what I’m talking about. Nasty little bugger isn’t it!


Maybe cat owners should think twice before moaning when they tread in dog mess.

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