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Cat owners should be more responsible.

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i absolutly agree and yeah let your dog loose one day. We had a dog but we got rid of him but the irrany is this year when t5he nice weather returns i can do my boarders and see to my lawn properly oh and what else clear cat ****e up from the front and back garden. Just get sorted no dog crap to pick up i just have to clear other ppls crap from out of my garden!!!!!!!!!!! But no more i tell you i will be carefully laying inhumane mouse traps and taking great pleasure in watching the dirty little flea bags scream in pain. It is irrisponsible for pet owners to let their four legged friends poop anywhere but a litter tray. If you see the cat do oit report the silly old bag to the council and she will get a fine


I have been reading this thread and got as far as this one and to be honest i really cant read any further. I am disgusted at the amount of people who seem to think it's ok to harm an animal if it poops in your garden. Animals crap simple as that, i cant walk down the road without having to dodge a pile of dog poo, i have bird poo on my windows at times and cat poo in my garden. If it disturbs you so much report it to the local council or if you know who's animal is doing it, go and have a word with the owner. I only wish somebody had done that to me, instead of poisoning my cat with antifreeze to which he suffered horrifically, so it makes me sick that someone would get great pleasure in watching a cat scream in agony (you need your head testing). My cat was a beautiful loving family pet who would come in to use his litter tray, im not saying he never messed in anyones garden but i would have gladly gone round everyones garden on the street and pick up every piece of cat poo everyday to prevent him suffering as bad as he did. Your anger is aimed at the wrong one, animals are innocent and nothing warrants torturing them.

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I have been reading this thread and got as far as this one and to be honest i really cant read any further. I am disgusted at the amount of people who seem to think it's ok to harm an animal if it poops in your garden. Animals crap simple as that, i cant walk down the road without having to dodge a pile of dog poo, i have bird poo on my windows at times and cat poo in my garden. If it disturbs you so much report it to the local council or if you know who's animal is doing it, go and have a word with the owner. I only wish somebody had done that to me, instead of poisoning my cat with antifreeze to which he suffered horrifically, so it makes me sick that someone would get great pleasure in watching a cat scream in agony (you need your head testing). My cat was a beautiful loving family pet who would come in to use his litter tray, im not saying he never messed in anyones garden but i would have gladly gone round everyones garden on the street and pick up every piece of cat poo everyday to prevent him suffering as bad as he did. Your anger is aimed at the wrong one, animals are innocent and nothing warrants torturing them.



Some people are just evil and need to e shot for even thinking about hurting an animal for doing what comes natuarally to them (pooping). I'm so sorry about your cat, i actually cried reading what you had written, i can't believe someone would actually care about their stupid garden that much that they'd kill any animal that came near it.


I have two cats and they're loving family pets too, they go out but also use a litter tray, if anyone poisoned my cats or anybody elses in my neighbourhood i would make sure that they'd suffer for it in some way.

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not sure how cat owners could be more responsible to be honest unless you kept them in all day and walked them on leads.


i used to have cats coming into my garden a while back and to be honest it didnt bother me untill i walked out to find my 14 month old daughter covererd in cat poo! i had no choice but too put little spike strips on the tops of my fencing not too hurt them id never want that!

apparently they are supposed to make it harder for them to get in. plus i have spent a fortune on all sorts of lotions and potions designed to put them off coming into my garden but nothing but these strips have worked i know it may seem a bit cruel to let them prick their paws a little but at the end of the day i have a child to think about more than a cat.

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i absolutly agree and yeah let your dog loose one day. We had a dog but we got rid of him but the irrany is this year when t5he nice weather returns i can do my boarders and see to my lawn properly oh and what else clear cat ****e up from the front and back garden. Just get sorted no dog crap to pick up i just have to clear other ppls crap from out of my garden!!!!!!!!!!! But no more i tell you i will be carefully laying inhumane mouse traps and taking great pleasure in watching the dirty little flea bags scream in pain. It is irrisponsible for pet owners to let their four legged friends poop anywhere but a litter tray. If you see the cat do oit report the silly old bag to the council and she will get a fine


People like you disgust me. I would love for my cats to stay on my own garden to avoid vile people like yourself. They are not dogs however, and will go where they please - hopefully avoiding people who believe in being cruel to animals like you do!!

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I would like to correct you, our cat brings young rabitts, mice, voles and birds and eats them on the patio. There has also been occasions when she brings them in the house.

The only part she will not eat is the Kidneys and leaves them.


Mabee your cats are sweety wives, my Son who lives in Leeds has 2 cats that do not know how to hunt.

You must be talking of a different animal, a cat will suvive by it's instincts and sorry what you are saying is a load of rubbish.


please explain the starving cats we found after a couple of days then.


Can we just accept that maybe some cats can survive and some cats can't rather than saying **** like "what you are saying is a load of rubbish".


Also to summarise your post:


1 Our cat can hunt and eats the produce.

2 My sons cats can't hunt.


Proving the point that some cats can hunt and some can't


I'm not gonna argue about this boring point any more!

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I have been reading this thread and got as far as this one and to be honest i really cant read any further. I am disgusted at the amount of people who seem to think it's ok to harm an animal if it poops in your garden. Animals crap simple as that, i cant walk down the road without having to dodge a pile of dog poo, i have bird poo on my windows at times and cat poo in my garden. If it disturbs you so much report it to the local council or if you know who's animal is doing it, go and have a word with the owner. I only wish somebody had done that to me, instead of poisoning my cat with antifreeze to which he suffered horrifically, so it makes me sick that someone would get great pleasure in watching a cat scream in agony (you need your head testing). My cat was a beautiful loving family pet who would come in to use his litter tray, im not saying he never messed in anyones garden but i would have gladly gone round everyones garden on the street and pick up every piece of cat poo everyday to prevent him suffering as bad as he did. Your anger is aimed at the wrong one, animals are innocent and nothing warrants torturing them.


I'm sorry for your loss.

It's horrible loosing a pet, especially in such horrific way.


To all the original poster:


You say you are worried about your children contracting toxoplasmosis. Here is some information that may be useful for you:

Toxoplasmosis is a parasitic disease caused by the protozoan Toxoplasma gondii.[1] The parasite infects most genera of warm-blooded animals, including humans, but the primary host is the felid (cat) family. Animals are infected by eating infected meat, by ingestion of feces of a cat that has itself recently been infected, or by transmission from mother to fetus. Although cats are often blamed for spreading toxoplasmosis, contact with raw meat is a more significant source of human infections in many countries, and faecal contamination of hands is a greater risk factor.[2]


Up to one third of the world's human population is estimated to carry a Toxoplasma infection.[3] The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that overall seroprevalence in the United States as determined with specimens collected by the National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey (NHANES) between 1999 and 2004 was found to be 10.8%, with seroprevalence among women of childbearing age (15 to 44 years) of 11%.[4]


During the first few weeks, the infection typically causes a mild flu-like illness or no illness. After the first few weeks of infection have passed, the parasite rarely causes any symptoms in otherwise healthy adults. However, people with a weakened immune system, such as those infected with advanced HIV disease or those who are pregnant, may become seriously ill, and it can occasionally be fatal. The parasite can cause encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) and neurologic diseases and can affect the heart, liver, and eyes (chorioretinitis).



[edit] Treatment

Treatment is often only recommended for people with serious health problems, because the disease is most serious when one's immune system is weak. In at least one AIDS patient, garlic was a successful remedy for toxoplasmosis. [20]


As this information says it's very very very unlikely that your kids would go blind. So stop reaching.


You don't like crap in your garden, fair enough. Stop moaning and either ask the owners of the cats to clear it up, or do it yourself. You have kids, I'm sure a bit of poo won't be new to you.


Cat owners are not lazy. My cats choose to do their business in their litter tray which I clean up. I'm not stupid I know that they will crap in other peoples gardens and I wouldn't have a problem with cleaning up the small amount of mess.


I agree with you that pet owners should have a license to own animals. With the amount of animal cruelty in the world today, people should prove to the animal sanctuary's, pet stores etc that they can look after an animal properly.


Honestly there are bigger things to worry about in the world.

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If you were a responsible owner, you would feed your cat instead of letting it run around killing wildlife.


My cat gets fed every day, but she likes fresh meat. Ask any cat owner, if the cat likes to go for it's own food it will and there is nothing you can do about it. So would you prefer me to put traps to catch Mice, Rats and Voles over 20 acre's. With grain and vegetables the pests have to be controlled.

Rabits are dealt with mostly with birds of prey.


Killing wildlife is a fact of nature with all animals so I dont understand your problem.


As bieng a cat owner bieng lazy as a cat well it is not worth a reply that I can post on this forum.

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My cat gets fed every day, but she likes fresh meat. Ask any cat owner, if the cat likes to go for it's own food it will and there is nothing you can do about it. So would you prefer me to put traps to catch Mice, Rats and Voles over 20 acre's. With grain and vegetables the pests have to be controlled.

Rabits are dealt with mostly with birds of prey.


Killing wildlife is a fact of nature with all animals so I dont understand your problem.


As bieng a cat owner bieng lazy as a cat well it is not worth a reply that I can post on this forum.


Sandie - probably a response laden with sarcasm,

but your lack of concern is what prompts other people to anger - and to hating roaming, destructive cats.

If your cat doesn't come home one day, you probably wouldn't care anyway.

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Sandie - probably a response laden with sarcasm,

but your lack of concern is what prompts other people to anger - and to hating roaming, destructive cats.

If your cat doesn't come home one day, you probably wouldn't care anyway.


Couldn't have put it better myself. :thumbsup:

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