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Catholic Church links gay men to paedophilia

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editing the content of your posts again Grahame? Don't you claim not to do that?


Anyway I pointed out you were blatantly lying because you repeatedly and blatantly lied repeating your false claim:


"There were 21 Irish priests involved and 6 died before any allegations were made against them."


Over and over again without giving a source until you were forced to concede you had none:


Minimo - "Graham, will you at least concede that many more than 21 priests must have been involved. And I wonder what you have to say about the good sisters who took intense pleasure from inflicting the most sadistic beatings and humiliations on young children.

And please don't deflect the argument by saying atheists can be cruel too. The point is that these priests and nuns were in a position to subject thousands of children to the abuse and had the support and protection of their superiors."


Grahame - Of course I condemn everyone involved for what they did. The 21 priests came from a reliable source, I think it was the Times?


Flamingjimmy - "12,000 cases, 21 priests?


So the each abused about 550 people?


Does that sound likely to you?"


You repeatedly pushed your 'only 21 priests' lie time and time again it was just one minor part your attempts to try and deny, mitigate and distract from the crimes of the Christian Catholic Church.


You need help.

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Go about five posts up. #309.


15:32 this afternoon.

Once again you are lying you are an utterly shameless lying liar caught in yet another lie, it's like you're alergic to the truth or something.


Neither post 309 nor 307 which provoked it vaguelly resemble to claims you made in 315.


You need help.

Says the man who denies the innocence of 10 year old murder victims.

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Once again you are lying you are an utterly shameless lying liar caught in yet another lie, it's like you're alergic to the truth or something.


Neither post 309 nor 307 which provoked it vaguelly resemble to claims you made in 315.



Says the man who denies the innocence of 10 year old murder victims.


Grahame has freakish ideas, he has been shown for what he is repeatedly. I would not converse or associate with someone in the real world with his views so i cannot be bothered with arguing with someone with his views on rape victims and children murdered by paedophiles.


Vile man.

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Surely, this one time, this is ONE situation in which we should be united?


How can people be arguing? Surely everyone here, and I mean everyone, hates the merest thought of what the Church has been doing for the last hundred years...

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Surely, this one time, this is ONE situation in which we should be united?


How can people be arguing? Surely everyone here, and I mean everyone, hates the merest thought of what the Church has been doing for the last hundred years...


You would think so wouldn't you.

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Surely, this one time, this is ONE situation in which we should be united?


How can people be arguing? Surely everyone here, and I mean everyone, hates the merest thought of what the Church has been doing for the last hundred years...


Yes, I agree the church was wrong, very wrong, but so are these others and we need to to be open and honest and admit it happens throughout the whole of society.



"Abusers are typically trusted family members—fathers, grandfathers, stepfathers, uncles—as well as friends, neighbors, teachers, coaches, youth-group volunteers, doctors, or priests, ministers, or rabbis. If we are to learn anything from these disturbing stories of sexual abuse by priests, it should be this: it's up to parents [some of whom are abusers themselves, my edit] and schools to make sure our kids know that adults [it takes an adult to be a paedophile] stand ready to protect them against those who would prey upon them. We need to make it clear to children that they can talk to us or another trusted adult about any situation that doesn't feel right to them. And no one—no one—is beyond suspicion."


This article has a lot of spin and is very biased.

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Yes, I agree the church was wrong, very wrong, but so are these others and we need to to be open and honest and admit it happens throughout the whole of society.

Nobody has denied paedophiles exist throughout all societies and you know it, they are regrettably common.


What's thankfully extremely unusual is worldwide decades long conspiracies to hide paedophiles from the secular authorities whilst giving them access to children to rape. Those seem to be entirely restricted to the Christian Catholic Church.


As you well know it is the covering up for and enabling of paedophile priests that people object to not their existence. Why don't you try honesty for once and respond to what people actually post?

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Yes, I agree the church was wrong, very wrong, but so are these others and we need to to be open and honest and admit it happens throughout the whole of society.



"Abusers are typically trusted family members—fathers, grandfathers, stepfathers, uncles—as well as friends, neighbors, teachers, coaches, youth-group volunteers, doctors, or priests, ministers, or rabbis. If we are to learn anything from these disturbing stories of sexual abuse by priests, it should be this: it's up to parents and schools to make sure our kids know that adults stand ready to protect them against those who would prey upon them. We need to make it clear to children that they can talk to us or another trusted adult about any situation that doesn't feel right to them. And no one—no one—is beyond suspicion."


I think you are missing the point.


Of course there are abusers across the whole spectrum of society. What's particular about the Catholic Church is that it has actively harboured those abusers amongst its ranks, over many years and within many countries. Even now, they seem to be more interested in damage limitation that protecting and helping the vulnerable and abused members. This is what sets it apart from other organisations. You seem to be ignoring this.

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Nobody has denied paedophiles exist throughout all societies and you know it, they are regrettably common.


You focus entirely on the church, but paedophilia exists throughout society.


What's thankfully extremely unusual is worldwide decades long conspiracies to hide paedophiles from the secular authorities whilst giving them access to children to rape. Those seem to be entirely restricted to the Christian Catholic Church.


Are you trying to say paedophile don't cover up. They ALL do. You are picking on the church again.


As you well know it is the covering up for and enabling of paedophile priests that people object to not their existence. Why don't you try honesty for once and respond to what people actually post?


You are repeating yourself. The police give convicted paedophiles who have served their time, a new identity and move them to a new area just the same as the church. I was reading one case where the paedophile had been relocated only a hundred yards from a school. This was done by the authorities and the police knew all about it.

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You focus entirely on the church, but paedophilia exists throughout society.




Are you trying to say paedophile don't cover up. They ALL do. You are picking on the church again.




You are repeating yourself. The police give convicted paedophiles who have served their time, a new identity and move them to a new area just the same as the church. I was reading one case where the paedophile had been relocated only a hundred yards from a school. This was done by the authorities and the police knew all about it.


But the "authorities" don't routinely cover up paedophilia and move child rapists to new grounds so they can bugger a whole new set of children like the Catholic Church has been found to be doing.

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