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Catholic Church links gay men to paedophilia

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I've been accused of the whole paedophillia thing (although not to my face). The granny that I know well down the street was at her wits end after looking after her nieces for a few days, and begged me to take them for a walk with the dogs. So we all went, about five girls, my 65 year old lady friend, and the dogs. I originally said no, but when the older lady agreed to come, I thought "what possible harm can come from this?"


When we came back, their father found out and went crazy, saying I was probably some kiddie fiddler who just wanted to get the kids on their own in the park. The girls are now forbidden to speak to me.


Same on the other side. Their daughter has a young girl of about 6. She was in my garden while I was pottering about tidying up and I locked my door (as you do) and went upstairs. The daughter started banging on the door, in absolute hysterics, thinking I'd actually got the girl in my house.


What IS wrong with people? Are we so wound up that we are ready to believe anyone is a paedophile?


Clearly, you can't be a guy living on your own unless you're a molester.

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You focus entirely on the church, but paedophilia exists throughout society.


Are you trying to say paedophile don't cover up. They ALL do. You are picking on the church again.

Yet another blatantly dishonest strawman. Of course individual paedophiles (like all criminals) often lie and attempt to escape justice thing is when discovered they tend not to be assisted in escaping justice and finding new victims by their extremely powerful employer. Unless of course they happen to work for the Christian Catholic Church.


You are repeating yourself. The police give convicted paedophiles who have served their time, a new identity and move them to a new area just the same as the church. I was reading one case where the paedophile had been relocated only a hundred yards from a school. This was done by the authorities and the police knew all about it.

Yet again you are a lying liar who is lying. The police do not "give convicted paedophiles who have served their time, a new identity and move them to a new area just the same as the church" the authorities monitor sex offenders who have who have served their sentence through the sex offenders register prevent them working with children. The state actively vet all those trying to work or volunteer with children to prevent convicted paedophiles form doing so to gain access to new victims.


In stark contrast the Catholic Church covered up the crimes of paedophile priests and put them back to work with children who all to often they raped. There is simply no equivalence between the behaviour of the state and your fellow travellers in the Christian Catholic Church.

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You are discriminating against the church when the authorities themselves are covering up. We need to see the bigger picture and stop being bigoted and prejudiced.

How exactly is the state which investigates, prosecutes, imprisons and monitors paedophiles "covering up"?


Who do you imagine it is "covering up" from?

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Yet another blatantly dishonest strawman. Of course individual paedophiles (like all criminals) often lie and attempt to escape justice thing is when discovered they tend not to be assisted in escaping justice and finding new victims by their extremely powerful employer. Unless of course they happen to work for the Christian Catholic Church.



Yet again you are a lying liar who is lying. The police do not "give convicted paedophiles who have served their time, a new identity and move them to a new area just the same as the church" the authorities monitor sex offenders who have who have served their sentence through the sex offenders register prevent them working with children. The state actively vet all those trying to work or volunteer with children to prevent convicted paedophiles form doing so to gain access to new victims.


In stark contrast the Catholic Church covered up the crimes of paedophile priests and put them back to work with children who all to often they raped. There is simply no equivalence between the behaviour of the state and your fellow travellers in the Christian Catholic Church.


You need to stop this habit you have of calling people liars. You have been told about it before and it has to stop. You are the mischief maker and I am trying to put to rights all the damage you do. Calling me and others liars is simply psychological projection on your part and it is you who is the liar.

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How exactly is the state which investigates, prosecutes, imprisons and monitors paedophiles "covering up"?


Who do you imagine it is "covering up" from?


See what Zaytsev says.


No they don't. They have to go on the sex offenders register in their own names. The fact that no one knows that they are paedophiles in their new neighbourhood is another issue which is being addressed with trials of Sarah's law.


You state the obvious that paedophiles exist throughout society but society convicts and brings to justice paedophiles the church hasn't.


As far as the inner workings of the church is concerned none of us can presume to know the truth, but knowing the spin that is put on these things it is unlikely that what we read on here and in similar places bears little resemblance to the truth.

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I've been accused of the whole paedophillia thing (although not to my face). The granny that I know well down the street was at her wits end after looking after her nieces for a few days, and begged me to take them for a walk with the dogs. So we all went, about five girls, my 65 year old lady friend, and the dogs. I originally said no, but when the older lady agreed to come, I thought "what possible harm can come from this?"


When we came back, their father found out and went crazy, saying I was probably some kiddie fiddler who just wanted to get the kids on their own in the park. The girls are now forbidden to speak to me.


Same on the other side. Their daughter has a young girl of about 6. She was in my garden while I was pottering about tidying up and I locked my door (as you do) and went upstairs. The daughter started banging on the door, in absolute hysterics, thinking I'd actually got the girl in my house.


What IS wrong with people? Are we so wound up that we are ready to believe anyone is a paedophile?


Clearly, you can't be a guy living on your own unless you're a molester.


I can bear you out on this Karis, not personally mind, one example is a colleague at work who was telling her work-mates about her daughters who had been round to see this blokes garden just a few doors away. Well you should have heard her going off alarming she was. She said, I have told my girls not to talk to him, he lives on his own and you don't know who he is and on and on she went. I felt like saying something but she is superior to me and I didn't like, but I know the people who live next door to him and they have never said anything and I have spoken briefly to him and you couldn't wish for a nicer person. It is paranoia gone mad and to be honest I think us men need protecting from women like that.


I could give other work related examples but I wont but just like you, her girls are forbidden to speak to this man, and entirely without reason, just because mum in question has a nasty suspicious mind. Mind you her work with children does take her into some strange situations and she has seen and does hear some pretty awful things but to label people without evidence is so wrong. I think really she is just being an over protective mother but even so that sort of attitude towards men is just plain wrong.

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Yep, Graham, it's awful. It's become a bit of a witch hunt - and I think the media is (typically) to blame.


There was none of this when I was a kid.


My female teacher friend (who teaches 6 to 8 year olds) and who is absolutely lovely, tells me she feels she has to keep at arm's length from the children, who love to sit on her knee at reading time, which is just NUTS - but the school's are terrified of paedophilia charges being raised, and plenty of teachers knows of cases where a child has cried wolf...


I'm getting off-topic now, though. Sorry. It does make you wonder if the leaders of the Catholic Church sat down to discuss the whole cover up story.

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You focus entirely on the church, but paedophilia exists throughout society.




Are you trying to say paedophile don't cover up. They ALL do. You are picking on the church again.




You are repeating yourself. The police give convicted paedophiles who have served their time, a new identity and move them to a new area just the same as the church. I was reading one case where the paedophile had been relocated only a hundred yards from a school. This was done by the authorities and the police knew all about it.


Yet again, grahame, have you "opened your mouth and 'said summat' !" as my dad would have put it.


You talk utter cods-wallop again, convicted paedophiles are NOT given new identities, routinely, that's the whole point of "Sarah's Law", that paedophiles are monitored and that the police know exactly who they are, and where they are.

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Yet again, grahame, have you "opened your mouth and 'said summat' !" as my dad would have put it.


You talk utter cods-wallop again, convicted paedophiles are NOT given new identities, routinely, that's the whole point of "Sarah's Law", that paedophiles are monitored and that the police know exactly who they are, and where they are.


Sarah's law isn't fully implemented so for years and even now that is not the case, they move to places where they are not known, the neighbours who should know don't, and paedophilia is spread throughout the whole population.

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Sarah's law isn't fully implemented so for years and even now that is not the case, they move to places where they are not known, the neighbours who should know don't, and paedophilia is spread throughout the whole population.


Yes they move to places of their own accord not by the the judicial system and they are not given new identities which make your earlier assertions to be complete falsehoods.


Paedophilia is not a disease, it can't be spread. :loopy:

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