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Catholic Church links gay men to paedophilia

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Graham, you're getting a little hysterical again, calm down.


If you resent people inferring that you are somehow suggesting the girls were implicit in their own murder then perhaps answering the questions below might help clarify your position.


It is against forum rules to attack a poster.

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A quick google produced several like this.


"Nursery paedophile to get new identity - all funded by taxpayers


By Paul Harris and Colin Fernandez

Last updated at 11:19 PM on 3rd October 2009


Vanessa George

Convicted paedophile Vanessa George will get 24-hour protection in prison


Nursery paedophile Vanessa George will enjoy a life of anonymity at vast expense to the taxpayer when she leaves prison.


It is thought her notoriety will never allow her to return to a normal life - and she will use human rights legislation to secure a secret new identity and round-the-clock protection.


The 39-year-old former classroom assistant has become a national hate figure since the extent of her crimes emerged.


Websites and Facebook groups have called for her to be killed.


The venom against her means lawyers will be able to argue that she should be given a new identity, shielded by unlimited anonymity.




grahame you've gone too far this time, using the dailymail to back up your claims :hihi:

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Can you be prosecuted for making untrue allegations? Because if so I will bring a charge against you, and anyone else who says such things including Sheffield Forum for allowing people to be attacked.


You're being dishonest and twisty again, and making empty threats. Your vile comments have been quoted, and quoted in context, at that so no-one can say that anyone else has been able to alter what was said.


You absolutley haven't a leg to stand on, as the doctor said to the amputee.

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A quick google produced several like this.


"Nursery paedophile to get new identity - all funded by taxpayers


By Paul Harris and Colin Fernandez

Last updated at 11:19 PM on 3rd October 2009


Vanessa George

Convicted paedophile Vanessa George will get 24-hour protection in prison


Nursery paedophile Vanessa George will enjoy a life of anonymity at vast expense to the taxpayer when she leaves prison.


It is thought her notoriety will never allow her to return to a normal life - and she will use human rights legislation to secure a secret new identity and round-the-clock protection.


The 39-year-old former classroom assistant has become a national hate figure since the extent of her crimes emerged.


Websites and Facebook groups have called for her to be killed.


The venom against her means lawyers will be able to argue that she should be given a new identity, shielded by unlimited anonymity.




Such cases are extremely rare Grahame. The vast majority of those convicted of child sex offences do not get new identities.

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Sex education has a lot to recommend it, grahame.


The religious nut-jobs in the US have a lot to answer for, in their attitude of "don't tell the kids about sex".


it's attitudes like that which are to blame for teen pregnancies, and the like, young gay people committing suicide because they are told (By people like you) that they are abnormal. I would far rather my children and grandchildren have age-appropriate teaching (be it from us or from teachers in the school's PDSH classes) about sex and relationships. I would want my grandsons and granddaughters to have the tools to enable them to make an informed decision about sexual intercourse. The tools to be able to say "no" and resist peer pressure, hopefully, and to wait till the right time, of course, but certainly to know how to protect themselves from STIs, and to practice safe sex, if they do make the decision. (Please, God, that day will be some years away as they are only aged 4yrs, up to 10yrs)


Going on your advice, g, my eldest DGD is now ten. Maybe I should look into warning her about the dangers of taking baths? (using those two poor little girls as an example?)


As sex education has increased so has teenage pregnancy.

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Can you be prosecuted for making untrue allegations?.


Doubtful on a discussion forum such as this. But if I'm wrong, I won't be able to give evidence in your defence Grahame, as you make so many untrue allegations - and it's here for all to see. It seems to me you're guilty as charged.



I read PT's post. I thought it was reasonable comment. I am available in court to give evidence in PT's defence if required.


Because if so I will bring a charge against you, and anyone else who says such things including Sheffield Forum for allowing people to be attacked.


The Forum is moderated. You should report any suspect posts with reasons given. Methinks that threatening the owner of Sheffield Forum with a charge is not the way to ensure you remain a member. Perhaps you may wsh to reconsider your threats.

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It is against forum rules to attack a poster.

Look to the log in your own eye.


I have repeatedly said the Catholic church was wrong. I am not defending them I am doing what any good judge does in his summing up when he examines all the facts of the case instead of presenting a bigoted prejudiced summery of which plekhanov is profoundly guilty.
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Such cases are extremely rare Grahame. The vast majority of those convicted of child sex offences do not get new identities.


Rare my foot, and moving to a new area which they all do, is like having a new identity. And if people find out and spread it round the neighbourhood they can be prosecuted.

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Paedophiles are NOT "given new identities to protect them from vigilante groups" at all Grahame. I have been professionally involved following the discharge of convicted paedophiles Grahame. You are completely wrong on this point.


IN other words, red, YOU are someone who is coming from the privileged position of actually KNOWING, precisely, what you are talking about, having worked in a professional capacity?

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