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Catholic Church links gay men to paedophilia

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Doubtful on a discussion forum such as this. But if I'm wrong, I won't be able to give evidence in your defence Grahame, as you make so many untrue allegations - and it's here for all to see. It seems to me you're guilty as charged.



I read PT's post. I thought it was reasonable comment. I am available in court to give evidence in PT's defence if required.




The Forum is moderated. You should report any suspect posts with reasons given. Methinks that threatening the owner of Sheffield Forum with a charge is not the way to ensure you remain a member. Perhaps you may wsh to reconsider your threats.


Many thanks Redrobbo. if he's not threatening us with the lightning bolts of his god's judgement and wrath, for not being as blinkered as he is, he's giving us all "six-nil" about "I'll report you for challenging me when I post an untruth"!

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a) They don't 'all move to a new area'.

b) Moving to a new area isn't like having anew identity.

C. Not informing the local vigilantes of the identities of all paedophiles whilst taking steps to prevent said paedophiles from gaining access to children is in no way equivalent to:


  • pressuring child rape victims not to report their abusers to the police or anyone else
  • pressuring other concerned parties not to report paedophile priests to the police or anyone else
  • moving paedophile priests into a new jobs with direct access to children

The Christian Catholic Church did all that for decade upon decade.

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Having a new identity means you are unknown.


Moving to a new area means you are unknown.


So, when I moved from my old property, to my new property, a few years ago, I was given a new identity, by dint of the fact that no-one on my new street knew me?


Poppycock. you don't just twist, and talk bile, you talk tommyrot too.

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As sex education has increased so has teenage pregnancy.


Not this old chestnut again! :headbang:


Oh I do despair with you at times Grahame.


Try reading "How To Lie With Statistics" by Darrell Huff. Once you've obtained an elementary understanding of corellation, please come back again with serious points of debate.

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C. Not informing the local vigilantes of the identities of all paedophiles whilst taking steps to prevent said paedophiles from gaining access to children is in no way equivalent to:


  • pressuring child rape victims not to report their abusers to the police or anyone else
  • pressuring other concerned parties not to report paedophile priests to the police or anyone else
  • moving paedophile priests into a new jobs with direct access to children

The Christian Catholic Church did all that for decade upon decade.


Plenty of paedophiles have moved to new areas, some to within a 100 yards of a school.


Do people ever get anything right on this forum?

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