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Catholic Church links gay men to paedophilia

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Having a new identity means you are unknown.


Moving to a new area means you are unknown.

They are known to the authorities who take steps to try and prevent them gaining access to children. Their crimes are also a matter of public record.


In contrast the Christian Church who's crimes you are trying to mitigate and distract from moved paedophiles to new areas and employed them in positions of trust with direct access to children. Whilst also trying to ensure that their crimes remained secret.


How can you with a clear conscience try to pretend that the two are in anyway equivalent. Or could it be that like all those paedophile enablers in the Christian Catholic Church you think anything is justified so long as you are trying to protect the image of Christianity?

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Not this old chestnut again! :headbang:


Oh I do despair with you at times Grahame.


Try reading "How To Lie With Statistics" by Darrell Huff. Once you've obtained an elementary understanding of corellation, please come back again with serious points of debate.


now, now, come on red. remember teenage pregnancy has risen.


it must be something to do with the fact that abortion is now legal... :?::idea::!::shocked::wow:

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Not this old chestnut again! :headbang:


Oh I do despair with you at times Grahame.


Try reading "How To Lie With Statistics" by Darrell Huff. Once you've obtained an elementary understanding of corellation, please come back again with serious points of debate.


You will know all about that.

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Plenty of paedophiles have moved to new areas, some to within a 100 yards of a school.


Do people ever get anything right on this forum?


grahame your points are valid about new identities to degree but nevertheless they have paid in some way for the crimes committed what about the priests what punishment befits them ?

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They are known to the authorities who take steps to try and prevent them gaining access to children. Their crimes are also a matter of public record.


In contrast the Christian Church who's crimes you are trying to mitigate and distract from moved paedophiles to new areas and employed them in positions of trust with direct access to children. Whilst also trying to ensure that their crimes remained secret.


How can you with a clear conscience try to pretend that the two are in anyway equivalent. Or could it be that like all those paedophile enablers in the Christian Catholic Church you think anything is justified so long as you are trying to protect the image of Christianity?


They are known to the authorities who protect them from vigilantes.

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C. Not informing the local vigilantes of the identities of all paedophiles whilst taking steps to prevent said paedophiles from gaining access to children is in no way equivalent to:


  • pressuring child rape victims not to report their abusers to the police or anyone else
  • pressuring other concerned parties not to report paedophile priests to the police or anyone else
  • moving paedophile priests into a new jobs with direct access to children

The Christian Catholic Church did all that for decade upon decade.


... and to add, as the title of this thread informs us, the Catholic church (in the guise of the Pope's second in command) are linking gay men with paedophilia.

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grahame your points are valid about new identities to degree but nevertheless they have paid in some way for the crimes committed what about the priests what punishment befits them ?

And what of the Church hierarchy which silenced the victims, protected the paedophiles and gave them access to fresh victims? What punishment befits them?

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So, when I moved from my old property, to my new property, a few years ago, I was given a new identity, by dint of the fact that no-one on my new street knew me?


Poppycock. you don't just twist, and talk bile, you talk tommyrot too.


You weren't known. You could have been anyone.

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They are known to the authorities who protect them from vigilantes.

The state seeks to protect children as best it can from paedophiles, the Christian Catholic Church protected paedophiles and gave them direct access to children who they all too often raped.


How are the two equivalent?

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