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Catholic Church links gay men to paedophilia

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Perverted deviants. :D




I would hate to think what sort of Priests they would make.


Now you seem to be saying that 'people who talk about sex alot' are capable of doing bad things as a priest??? are you talking about child abuse? You seem to be linking talking about sex to being diviant???? you are making no sense.

You should probably stop talking now.

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Not people, you directly accused me, Why? Again, who is my lot?


Because by saying what you did means you are accusing me of being a sexual deviant.


But if you class straight people who enjoy "back door action" as sexual deviants, then surely people who practice abstention, for what ever reason, must also be sexual deviants?
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You are the one who bangs on about all sorts of sex which by your own admission means you are not well adjusted."

When did I claim talking about sex (particularity when the issue is pretty much impossible to discuss otherwise) "means you are not well adjusted"? All I've done is turn your own prudish bigoted rhetoric against you.


"It’s the strange thing about this church, it is obsessed with sex, absolutely obsessed. Now, they will say we with our permissive society and our rude jokes, we are obsessed. No, we have a healthy attitude, we like it, it’s fun, it’s jolly, because it’s a primary impulse it can be dangerous and dark and difficult, it’s a bit like food in that respect only even more exciting. The only people who are obsessed with food are anorexics and the morbidly obese, and that in erotic terms is the Catholic Church in a nutshell."


Just like the Catholic Church you are utterly obsessed with what consenting adults do with their genitals whilst being strangely sympathetic to those who rape children.

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O and what does celibacy have to do with being a paedophile? If you are celibate and want to have sex, you'd just have a relationship with someone your own age....


Has anyone thought that maybe paedophiles are joining the priesthood because they know that nothing will be done about their behaviour and can harm as many children as they want.

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Because by saying what you did means you are accusing me of being a sexual deviant.


I get it, you somehow though I insulted you, so then you decided lash out and say something rude about me. I think it's time you grew up as most people left this kind of childish behaviour back in the playground.

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Now you seem to be saying that 'people who talk about sex alot' are capable of doing bad things as a priest??? are you talking about child abuse? You seem to be linking talking about sex to being diviant???? you are making no sense.

You should probably stop talking now.


If you were the Pope, and you read these comments, would you want those people in the church?


Wouldn't you also say that celibacy is also a form of deviant sexual behaviour?


But don't some heterosexuals also enjoy "unnatural sex acts"?


On what grounds do you claim that either homosexuality or paedophilia are unnatural?


Regardless of whether or not they are natural it's clear that one is utterly immoral as it involved the raping of children and the other moral as it involves consensual activity between adults. As in so many other areas of human behaviour when it comes to sexuality nature is no guide to morality.


One thing however which is certainly neither natural or moral is international organisations conspiring to hush up the crimes of paedophiles and find them new victims.


Perhaps he's refereeing to oral sex which unlike anal sex is common amongst lesbians, gays and heterosexuals.


An activity which prudish bigots like the catholic church who you seem in such agreement upon on sexual matters condemn.



But if you class straight people who enjoy "back door action" as sexual deviants, then surely people who practice abstention, for what ever reason, must also be sexual deviants?


Why would that be deviant but "continually 'banging' on about" other people "doing it" not be deviant?


The Catholic church and you both seem to have an unhealthy obsession with what other people do with their genitals, other more well adjusted people simply don't care so long as all those involved consent.

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Because by saying what you did means you are accusing me of being a sexual deviant.

You complain about it being a crime for husbands to rape their wives, think heterosexual sex is about men dominating women, think women who are too scared to try and fight off rapists "want it":


And you think the rapist will just let his victim do that stuff rather than punching them in the face if they try?


Even a highly skilled fighter will find it hard to beat someone who's significantly bigger and stronger than them and most women aren't highly skilled fighters. Trying to fight back in a situation where they can't get away will do little more than put them at increased risk or serious injury or death.

Then there would have been a fight and the evidence in court would have been totally different.


As it was, there wasn't, so what does that signify to you?

It would 'signify to' me that the victim found the prospect of being severely beaten/killed and raped preferable to being raped with a minimum of additional danger of being severely injured or killed.


What does a woman going limp rather than fighting back 'signify to you?'

It signifies she wants it.*


You even attempted to blame the victims of the Soham murders:


Children of that age are not that innocent, they would have known the facts of life, they are taught them at school from a young age and they didn't have to get in the bath. I think things like that are best left alone.


That all seems pretty damned 'deviant' to me.


*Grahame dishonestly went back and changed "It signifies she wants it." to "Your guess is as good as mine." over an hour after he initially made the post.

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