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Do you care that your vote wont count?

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I don't really understand, I tried to vote online but it was asking me loads of confusing questions like whats your constituency and more words that I didn't even know the meaning of. I'm not an idiot they really do need to make stuff clearer

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[quote=PC Brigade;6132015

Of the 5 Sheffield constituencies 4 are Labour, and 1 is Lib Dem - with the possible exception of Sheffield Central going to the Lib Dems this is not going to change.


This, quoted above is negative vibes. All change is possible, because, at a local or general election, people have the choice of several...sometimes 7 or 8 candidates to choose from.

Things only DO NOT change, because people are brainwashed into thinking that.


If you wish to Change...then BE the change that you wish to see.

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Well, I think the current system is perfect.


Perfect if you’re Labour, that is.


Think about it! You change the boundaries so that any opposition parties have to gain a disproportionate amount of votes to even gain parity. Said opposition supporters will become so despairing that their vote will actually count that they probably won’t bother voting.


You invite – against the wishes of the electorate – millions of people into the country who will be most likely to reward you for this invitation, untold benefits etc. – with future votes. (Known as ‘rubbing the Right’s nose in it').


You pack the national TV service with like-minded luvvies who will regularly espouse your cause such as Stephen Fry. Eddie Izzard will appear in your election broadcasts, even while working for this supposedly ‘neutral’ organisation.


To speed up this programme of intimidation, why not have a member of the opposition arrested in Parliament?


Hold the occasional ‘rally’ where only like-minded people are allowed to attend. Any dissenting voices (such as Walter Wolfgang) will be beaten up and ejected.


Supplement this by ensuring the State-controlled broadcasting company periodically shows the Great Leader having tea with carefully-selected stooges, and visiting a widget factory in the North East which illustrates the Great Plan is on course.


Lie, lie and lie again about major policy. Should any intelligent and informed person – say a scientific advisor - argue against you, have him murdered.


Instigate a programme where actually electing key figures such as Leader, Leader in Name Only etc. is unnecessary. Any key party worker can be routinely sacked and invited back in.


“Think the public is stupid, Tony/Gordon?” “Do you really think the public will allow this to happen?”


“Course they will. Apart from the odd post on local forums – which will be shouted down by our drones endlessly posting ‘It’s all Maggie’s fault!’ – I think most people, especially the millions who work – sorry! hold positions – in the great Socialist Army of the Public Sector and the rapidly-growing Benefits Division – will do and say absolutely anything to ensure their own personal gravy train is not derailed.”


So we’ve fiddled the way votes are counted, we’ve ‘bussed in’ our own supporters (except we’re not going to bus them back out), seized control of the State Broadcasting Service (the British Brainwashing Corporation), instigated a policy of intimidation (and worse) against anybody foolish enough to disagree and generally treated the electorate with contempt.


But we’re not just like Zimbabwe! Oh no, no, no! In that banana republic, they print more money to cover up any deficit. That couldn’t possibly happen here...

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