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Sleep Problems, Help Please

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1st of all clean your house...what are you an animal or something?


2nd go to the gym in the day/run do something to burn off energy.


This is what I like to see, compassionate, sympathetic advice to someone who is crying out for help. :roll:


Do you think the guy suffers out of choice ??? I think you are a bit of a plonker mate. :loopy:

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Jason, I'm not sure I can help you with your sleep problems but there are a few things you've posted which make me wonder if you have been misdiagnosed. Depression is an illness with symptoms which include insomnia but depression can also be a symptom of other illnesses.


In your first post on this thread you said you are "haunted by things". Whilst I don't think you should say what these things are on a public forum it may be helpful if you explain a bit more about what you mean. Are you haunted by thoughts about the future or memories from the past?


You also said that you can't switch off. Do you feel like this during the day as well as at night when you are hoping to get to sleep and how would you describe the physical and mental sensations you feel when you are unable to switch off?


If you answer these questions don't go into too much detail (especially if you answer the first) but it seems to me that the problem isn't just a sleep problem.

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i must admit i am incilned to agree with fingers, could you have been misdiagnosed.it's all to easy for busy gp's to write a prescription for some happy pills.it worries me that you say you have been on anti depressents for years, i would be even more worried if you have been on the same meds for years on end without regular reviews.maybe your meds aren't working as well as they use to , if your on the same stuff and same dosage maybe your body has got so use to it it doesn't have the desired effect anymore. i would go and see your gp love explain how you feel, insist on getting some kind of assesment or counciling and if you don't get any joy from that gp insist on seeing another one.

good luck, julie x

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1st of all clean your house...what are you an animal or something?


2nd go to the gym in the day/run do something to burn off energy.


Yes, cleaning his house might be beneficial to his self-esteem and well-being, but there would have been a better way of saying it! You come across as being very arrogant!


What you could have said was something like this......


"Try cleaning your house, one room at a time, and making it more appealing to live in, decorating if necessary. You would become more relaxed and would then feel more like inviting some friends round. Go to a gym in the daytime - maybe meet some new people and make some new friends. Hope you soon feel better and get the sleep you need"


Sound better?

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hi folks,


i am having bad sleep problems and i can never seem to get a good nights sleep, i am doing all i can in the day times during the week to keep busy but when it comes to bed time iv had it,


i am suffering long term depression, have been on antidepressants for years and im assured theyr supposed to help me sleep but the only sleep i am getting is around 2-3am in the morning, then i wake up at around 5-6am, i try to nod back off then i wake up around 9ish,


its driving me mad, i dread going to sleep as i cant sleep and i dread waking up as i have another horrible day ahead


i dont work and i live alone, my flat is a mess i want to move and im haunted by things and cant stop worrying,


are there any sure fire ways to get me asleep without killing myself, as i often think that is the only way out


please help


Try see your doctor and explain how much of a issue it has become and he might prescribe a short term use of sleeping tablets but dont get ur hopes up on them prescriping them long-term. That is very hard to get them to do that these days

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I will probably get burned for this but I'll say it anyway; PLEASE COME OFF THE ANTI-DEPRESSANTS! I'm speaking from experience. They cause drowsiness, yes, but this doesn't help a good night's sleep, or natural sleep to come. The drowsiness just hits you for a couple hours, then goes again. They will be causing you more harm than good. I don't know how high a dosage you're on, so maybe it will take a while and you'll have to start by cutting the dosage down. There are other ways of dealing with depression, you need to find one that suits you and, from what you've said, I don't believe the pills do.


Maybe keeping a diary? Starting a hobby that takes up a lot of your spare time? Something very active, such as boxing, could be a big help. Please, try it at least because the medication is not supposed to be a long-term solution anyway.

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